Articles by screenshotguy

Plotting Twitter Data

January 1, 2016 | screenshotguy

I’ve only just come to realize some social media sites allow you to download your entire historical activity in one large data file. I don’t know about other sites, but i’m aware that twitter does give you the option to download … Continue reading →
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Exploring New and Used Car Data in Malaysia

December 17, 2015 | screenshotguy

I came across a local website where individuals/dealers in Malaysia can post information on used and new cars that they are selling. Why i, in particular, would browse such a site might dumbfound some people (those who personally know me would … Continue reading →
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Web Scraping: The Sequel |

November 13, 2015 | screenshotguy

Alright. Time to take another shot at web scraping. My attempt at scraping data off left me a little frustrated because of how long it took, and also at how i couldn’t get much information because of all the duplicated … Continue reading →
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Eroding Commitment

September 27, 2015 | screenshotguy

There’s an old saying that goes: “If you dream and want something hard enough, but have no commitment….then you’re probably full of shit”. After having finished the Getting and Cleaning Data course on Coursera, I haven’t typed a single line of R … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Summarizing Development Funds Data

June 17, 2015 | screenshotguy

Still going through the Getting and Cleaning Data course on Coursera while also enrolling in the Data Manipulation using dplyr course on DataCamp. That said, i guess working on a teeny data exploration task on actual raw data would help in remembering all these new … Continue reading →
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