Articles by Ryan Holbrook

Optimal Decision Boundaries

January 8, 2020 | Ryan Holbrook

Introduction Over the next few posts, we will investigate decision boundaries. A decision boundary is a graphical representation of the solution to a classification problem. Decision boundaries can help us to understand what kind of solution might be appropriate for a problem. They can also help us to understand the ...
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What I’m Reading 1: Bayes and Means

October 3, 2019 | Ryan Holbrook

Bayesian Aggregation Yang, Y., & Dunson, D. B., Minimax Optimal Bayesian Aggregation 2014 (arXiv) Say we have a number of estimators \(\hat f_1, \ldots, \hat f_K\) derived from a number of models \(M_1, \ldots, M_K\) for some regression problem \(Y = f(X) + \epsilon\), but, as is the nature of things ...
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