Articles by Robin Lovelace - R

stplanr 0.1.1

January 17, 2016 | Robin Lovelace - R

Version 0.1.1 of the package stplanr has been released on CRAN. This is a major update with many new functions and a new class definition, SpatialLinesNetwork, for route planning and network analysis using igraph. This short post, by myself and package co-author Richard Ellison describes how stplanr can be used for ... [Read more...]

GEOSTAT 2015: a write-up

August 30, 2015 | Robin Lovelace - R

The week before last I attended the GEOSTAT summer school in Lancaster. GEOSTAT is an annual week-long meeting devoted to ‘geostatistics’ (or ‘spatial statistics’ - we’ll come on to the difference subsequently). Having seen the impressive range of materials from previous ‘GEOSTATs’, I was greatly looking forward to the ...
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Learning about classes in R with

May 16, 2015 | Robin Lovelace - R

A useful feature of R is its ability to implement a function differently depending on the ‘class’ of the object acted on. This article explores this behaviour with reference to a playful modification of the ‘generic’ function plot() to allow plotting of cartoon bicycles. Although the example is quite simple ... [Read more...]

R vs QGIS for sustainable transport planning

April 19, 2015 | Robin Lovelace - R

The 23rd iteration of the GIS Research UK conference (#GISRUK) conference was the largest ever. 250 researchers, industry representatives and academics attended from the vibrant geospatial research communities in the UK, Europe and beyond. GISRUK has become a centrepoint for discussion of new methods, software and applications in the field. I ...
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The leaflet package for online mapping in R

January 31, 2015 | Robin Lovelace - R

It has been possible for some years to launch a web map from within R. A number of packages for doing this are available, including: RgoogleMaps, an interface to the Google Maps api leafletR, an early package for creating Leaflet maps with R rCharts, which can be used as a ... [Read more...]

Practical introduction to Shiny – workshop write-up

January 21, 2015 | Robin Lovelace - R

I recently delivered a workshop on a practical introduction to shiny, an R package that enables development, testing and deployment of interactive web applications. Delivered at the University of Sydney’s Institute for Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), it was designed for people who are a) fairly new to R (... [Read more...]

Basic mapping and attribute joins in R

November 9, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

This post is based on the free and open source Creating-maps-in-R teaching resource for introducing R as a command-line GIS. R is well known as an language ideally suited for data processing, statistics and modelling. R has a number of spatial packages, allowing analyses that would require hundreds of lines ...
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‘Open sourcing’ microsimulation with R

October 23, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

These are the slides from a presentation today at the European conference of the IMA, held in Maastricht, 23rd to 24th October, 2014. Microsimulation, as its name suggests, is about modelling things at the individual-level. In practice, this usually means estimating the characteristics of people using statistical or econometric techniques. Microsimulation, ... [Read more...]

Newcastle R course, a write-up

September 22, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

I recently attended a week-long R course in Newcastle, taught by Colin Gillespie. It went from “An Introduction to R” to “Advanced Graphics” via a day each on modelling, efficiency and programming. Suffice to say it was an intense 5 days! Overall it was the best R course I’ve been ... [Read more...]

ASDAR book Review

September 8, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

I was recently invited to write a book review for Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (ASAP). The book, I conclude, “is the authoritative resource on R’s spatial capabilities” and should be of interest to many R users. Below is a preprint of the full review, now published on ASAP’... [Read more...]

Clipping spatial data in R

July 28, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

This miniature vignette shows how to clip spatial data based on different spatial objects in R and a ‘bounding box’. Spatial overlays are common in GIS applications and R users are fortunate that the clipping and spatial subsetting functions are mature and fairly fast. We’ll also write a new ...
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Consistent naming conventions in R

July 15, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

Naming conventions in R are famously anarchic, with no clear winner and multiple conventions in use simultaneously in the same package. This has been written about before, in a lucid article in the R Journal, a detailed exploration of names in R source code hosted on CRAN and general discussion ...
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Regular expressions in R vs RStudio

April 14, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

The 'regex' family of languages and commands is used for manipulating text strings. More specifically, regular expressions are typically used for finding specific patterns of characters and replacing them with others. These technique have a range of applications and R's base installation has powerful regex tools (not to mention add-on ... [Read more...]

Aggregating spatial points by clusters

March 21, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

With ubiquitous collection devices (e.g. smartphones), having too much data may become an increasingly common problem for spatial analysts, even with increasingly powerful computers. This is ironic, because a few short decades ago, too little data was a primary constraint. This tutorial builds on the 'Attribute joins' section of ... [Read more...]

R for spatial analysis tutorial + video

January 30, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

On 24th January 2014 I ran a one day practical course on an "Introduction to Spatial Data Visualisation in R" at the University of Leeds, with the help of demonstrators Rachel Oldroyd and Alistair Leak, who came up from London for the event. The course is designed for people completely new ... [Read more...]

Spatial clipping and aggregation in R

January 10, 2014 | Robin Lovelace - R

A common task in GIS is comparing the spatial extent of one layer with another. Say you have a load of points, some of which overlay a polygon layer. You are only interested in the points that intersect with the points. What do you do? Also, how can you aggregated-up ... [Read more...]
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