11 new R jobs (for November 18th 2014)
<img src=' [Read more...]
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: EARL CONFERENCE (Effective Applications of the R Language), London, 15-16th September 2015
Further to the success of the EARL2014 Conference we are delighted to announce that EARL2015 will be held in London on the 15-16th September 2015. Abstracts are invited for [Read more...]
6 new R jobs (for November 7th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-11-07), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
7 new R jobs (for October 21st 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-10-21), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
7 new R jobs (for October 6th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-10-06), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
Top open R jobs (for September 25th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-09-25), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from [Read more...]
Effective Applications of the R Language Conference 2014
By Chris Campbell – Senior Consultant, UK. What struck me first was how few sandals I could see, none of which were paired with socks. The energy in the room was [Read more...]
Conor Atom, a book for “children scientists” (an indiegogo campaign)
Mario Morales –a Colombian-American, Statistician-Bioinformatician, Member of the R community and a regular attendant of the UseR conference since 2007 has launched a [Read more...]
4 new R jobs (for September 10th 2014) and a new “about us” video
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-09-10), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. This time, I’d like to start by thanking Jeff Weakley [Read more...]
LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR EARL (15-17 September, London)
The EARL Conference www.earl-conference.com is just over a week away. EARL is the first conference dedicated to the commercial usage of R. If you want to see how a host [Read more...]
8 new R jobs (for Augest 25th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-08-25), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
5 new R jobs (for Augest 13th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-08-13), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
Free R-User Discount Code – TEXATA 2014 Big Data World Championship
Invitation to Big Data Analytics World Championships 2014 We invite members of the R-Bloggers/R-Users community to participate in the inaugural 2014 TEXATA Big [Read more...]
Critical Data (free) Hackathon in London (Sept 6-7, 2014)
We would like to invite you to participate in our forthcoming Critical Data Marathon a FREE event taking place in London on 6-7 September 2014. The event is [Read more...]
EARL Conference, London, 15-17 September 2014
A final reminder that the EARL (Effective Applications of the R Language) Conference is only a month away; the conference will be held in London from the 15-17th September. [Read more...]
2 new R jobs (for July 29th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-07-29), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
5 new R jobs (for July 14th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-07-14), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
7 new R jobs (for June 30th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-06-30), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
3 new R jobs (for June 16th 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-06-16), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]
6 new R jobs (for June 2nd 2014)
This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-06-02), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: R-users.com. If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the [Read more...]