Articles by Riki Saito

Web Scraping Amazon Reviews (March 2019)

March 3, 2019 | Riki Saito

Introduction Web Scraping is one of the most common (and sometimes tedious) data collection tasks nowadays in Data Science. It is an essential step in gather data – especially text data – in order to perform various Natural Language Processing tasks, such as Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modeling, and Word Embedding. In this ...
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A Neural Network learns to talk like Michael Scott

June 5, 2018 | Riki Saito

(Read Time: ~5-6 minutes. Image from I want to start off this post by saying that this post was made possible thanks to Max Woolf (Twitter: @minimaxir) and his Python package textgenrnn, a text generating recurrent neural network that, when trained, can predict the next character (or word) ... [Read more...]

A Multivariate Approach to Adstock Rate Modeling in R

December 30, 2017 | Riki Saito

Advertising adstock is the carry-over effect of some advertisement to a consumer over time. Finding the decay rate or half-life of advertising is a common question of interest to many advertisers to determine how effective advertising builds the awareness of their brand, and how that awareness decays over time. Adstock ...
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Multi Armed Bandit – Is it better than A/B testing?

May 29, 2017 | Riki Saito

In the field of webpage optimization, A/B testing is the most commonly and widely used experimentation method to compare two (or more) versions of a webpage or app to determine which version performs better in measures like traffic or customer conversion rates. The basic design is to randomly assign ...
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