Articles by Riddhiman

Visualizing Bootrapped Stepwise Regression in R using Plotly

May 29, 2016 | Riddhiman

We all have used stepwise regression at some point. Stepwise regression is known to be sensitive to initial inputs. One way to mitigate this sensitivity is to repeatedly run stepwise regression on bootstrap samples. R has a nice package called bootStepAIC() which (from its description) “Implements a Bootstrap procedure to ... [Read more...]

ggplot2 docs completely remade in D3.js

May 26, 2016 | Riddhiman

Carson Sievert from Plotly recreated Hadley Wickam’s entire ggplot2 documentation using Plotly’s open-source ggplotly converter – This makes every ggplot2 graph interactive and drawn in D3.js ! position_jitterdodge scale_color_brewer stat_summary_hex geom_violin geom_smooth geom_polygon geom_point ... [Read more...]

Gantt Charts in R using Plotly

May 10, 2016 | Riddhiman

Gantt Charts are a great way to keep track of timelines, progress of specific aspects of the project and resource utilization. Project Managers and anyone familiar with Microsoft Project would be familiar with Gantt Charts. Here’s how to make one in R using Plotly’s R API. [crayon-57330056e36... [Read more...]

Shiny Apps Gallery using Plotly in R

May 7, 2016 | Riddhiman

Announcing the new shiny apps gallery that showcases the use of Plotly’s R API in Shiny Applications. You can visit the gallery here: Apps showcase the use of a variety of plotly features including: Adding interactive plotly graphs using plotlyOutput() Embedding ggplot style visualizations ... [Read more...]

Ternary Plots in R using Plotly

May 2, 2016 | Riddhiman

Plotly now supports ternary plots ! and in this post we’ll showcase how to make such charts in R. [crayon-5727c9367d4f1199297046/] Markers [crayon-5727c9367d4fe750640735/]   [crayon-5727c9367d504011620753/] Lines [crayon-5727c9367d50a578390396/] Contour [crayon-5727c9367d510780986397/] [Read more...]

Candlestick charts using Plotly and Quantmod

April 24, 2016 | Riddhiman

This post is dedicated to creating candlestick charts using Plotly’s R-API. For more information on candlestick charts visit We’ll also showcase Plotly’s awesome new range selector feature ! [crayon-571e00e6cc382939134649/] [crayon-571e00e6cc39c746160627/] [Read more...]

Tufte style visualizations in R using Plotly

April 19, 2016 | Riddhiman

This post is inspired by Lukasz Piwek’s awesome Tufte in R post. We’ll try to replicate Tufte’s visualization practices in R using Plotly. You can read more about Edward Tufte here. One easy way to replicate the graphs showcased on Lukasz’s blog would be to simply ... [Read more...]

Portfolio Optimization using R and Plotly

April 2, 2016 | Riddhiman

In this post we’ll focus on showcasing Plotly’s WebGL capabilities by charting financial portfolios using an R package called PortfolioAnalytics. The package is a generic portfolo optimization framework developed by folks at the University of Washington and Brian Peterson (of the PerformanceAnalytics fame). You can see the vignette ... [Read more...]

13 graphs on Outer Space, Satellites, and Astrophysics made in Python or R

February 18, 2016 | Riddhiman

Below are 13 charts made in Plotly or using Ploty’s APIs by users on Outer Space, Satellites and Astrophysics 1. Flybys of Minor Planets, Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager I and II, and New Horizons Chart Link: Chart Author: @ alexhp Touched up in: Plotly online editor ... [Read more...]

15 graphs on consumer and brand research made by Plotly users

February 8, 2016 | Riddhiman

Below are 15 charts made in Plotly or using Ploty’s APIs by users on Brand and consumer Research. 1. So what if I’m old – Brand choices for Age __ 60 Chart Link: Chart Author: @ snawel Touched up in: Plotly online editor Code: Python code R Code 2. DND, ... [Read more...]

Voronoi Diagrams in Plotly and R

February 1, 2016 | Riddhiman

Here’s a function which uses plotly’s R Library to overlay a voronoi diagram on top of a 2-D K-Means visualization. Visit the Getting Started section to get Plotly up and running using R. Here’s a quick rundown on how this function works: Accepts a data frame containing ... [Read more...]

10 D3.js and WebGL weather, maps, and geography charts made in Python and R

January 16, 2016 | Riddhiman

Below are 10 charts made in R or Python by Plotly users on weather, maps and geography. 1. Doctor Who? – Timelords weather forecast for different cities Chart Link: Author: @ wthrmnTouched up in: Plotly online editorCode: Python code R Code 2. Its raining ! – US Precipitation (June 2015) Chart Link: ... [Read more...]

Eight Advantages of Python Over Matlab

January 1, 2016 | Riddhiman

The original post is here. Dr. Phillip Feldman has kindly agreed to let us repost his thoughts on some key differences between Matlab and Python. 1. readability Python code tends to be more compact and more readable than Matlab code. There are several reasons for this: indentation Unlike Matlab, which uses ... [Read more...]

Fun with Heatmaps and Plotly

December 29, 2015 | Riddhiman

Just because we all like numbers doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun. Here’s to wishing to everyone a very Happy New Year ! # install.packages("jpeg") library(jpeg) library(plotly) # Download a jpeg file from imgur URL [Read more...]

R-Markdown and Knitr Tutorial (Part 2)

December 28, 2015 | Riddhiman

In our last post we quickly went over how to create a new R-Markdown document and embed a Plotly graph in it. In this post we’ll get into more details around how to control code output using chunk options. As shown in our previous post, for the embedded R ... [Read more...]

R-Markdown and Knitr Tutorial (Part 1)

December 28, 2015 | Riddhiman

R-Markdown is a great way to create dynamic documents with embedded chunks of R code. The document is self contained and fully reproducible which makes it very easy to share. This post will be the first in a multi part series on how to embed Plotly graphs in R-Markdown documents ... [Read more...]

Regression Diagnostic Plots using R and Plotly

December 25, 2015 | Riddhiman

Plotly is a platform for making, editing, and sharing customizable and interactive graphs. Embedding Plotly graphs in a R-Markdown document is very easy. Here, we will genarate a R-Markdown document with embedded Plotly charts to visualize regression diagnostic plots similar to the ones generated by using plot() on a fitted ... [Read more...]
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