Articles by R/exams

From Static to Numeric to Single-Choice Exercises in R/exams

October 6, 2017 | R/exams

Idea Our colleagues over at the economics department became interested in using R/exams for generating large-scale exams in their introductory economics courses. However, they face the challenge that so far they had been writing static exercises and modified them by hand if they wanted to reuse them in a ... [Read more...]

Welcome to R/exams

September 22, 2017 | R/exams

Welcome everybody, we are proud to introduce the brand new web page and blog This provides a central access point for the open-source software “exams” implemented in the R system for statistical computing. R/exams is a one-... [Read more...]

Written Multiple-Choice Exams with R/exams

September 17, 2017 | R/exams

Create exam The first step in conducting a written exam with multiple-choice (and/or single-choice) exercises in R/exams' NOPS format is to create the exam in PDF format. First, we load the R exams package and then simply create a list of exercise file names. library("exams") myexam [Read more...]

First Steps

September 9, 2017 | R/exams

Overview The basic idea of R/exams is to have a one-for-all exams generator where each exercise is a standalone file, so that the same exercise can be rendered easily into a variety output formats such as e-learning systems or written exams. To reduce the risk of cheating, R/exams ... [Read more...]

Installing R/exams

September 8, 2017 | R/exams

1. R The R/exams system is an extension for the R system for statistical computing and hence the first installation step is the base R system. Windows and (Mac) OS X: Go to, the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).... [Read more...]

scatterplot: Interpretation of a Scatterplot

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: scatterplot Type: mchoice Description: Scatterplot in an (x, y) regression setup needs to be interpreted regarding location/spread of the marginal distributions, the correlation in the joint distribution, and the corresponding regression slope. Data are drawn randomly from a suitable data-generating process so that each multiple-choice item is either ... [Read more...]

ttest: Interpretation of 2-Sample t Test

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: ttest Type: mchoice Description: Results of a 2-sample t.test() in R need to be interpreted regarding significance, type of alternative, and comparison of the underlying empirical means. Solution feedback: Yes Randomization: Random numbers, text blocks, and R output Mathematical notation: Yes Verbatim R input/output: Yes Images: No ... [Read more...]

switzerland: Knowledge Quiz Question about Switzerland

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: switzerland Type: mchoice Related: swisscapital Description: Knowledge quiz question (about Switzerland) with 2 correct and 3 false alternatives which are shuffled randomly in each version of the exercise. Solution feedback: Yes Randomization: Shuffling Mathematical notation: No Verbatim R input/output: No Images: No Other supplements: No Template: switzerland.Rnw switzerland.Rmd ... [Read more...]

tstat2: 1-Sample t-Test Statistic (Single-Choice)

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: tstat2 Type: schoice Related: tstat Description: Computing the 1-sample t-test statistic from randomly-drawn hypothesized mean, sample size, and empirical mean and variance. The correct answer has to be selected from five choice items which have been added to the numeric version of the exercise linked above. Solution feedback: Yes ... [Read more...]

swisscapital: Knowledge Quiz Question about the Swiss Capital

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: swisscapital Type: schoice Related: switzerland Description: Knowledge quiz question (about the Swiss capital) with 1 correct and 6 false alternative. 4 out of the 6 false alternatives are sampled randomly and shuffled. Solution feedback: Yes Randomization: Shuffling (4 out of 6 false alternatives) Mathematical notation: No Verbatim R input/output: No Images: No Other supplements: ... [Read more...]

tstat: 1-Sample t-Test Statistic

August 13, 2017 | R/exams

Name: tstat Type: num Related: tstat2 Description: Computing the 1-sample t-test statistic from randomly-drawn hypothesized mean, sample size, and empirical mean and variance. Solution feedback: Yes Randomization: Random numbers Mathematical notation: Yes Verbatim R input/output: No Images: No Other supplements: No Template: tstat.Rnw tstat.Rmd Raw: (1 random version) ... [Read more...]
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