Articles by [R]eliability

Heart Disease Prediction From Patient Data in R

September 28, 2019 | [R]eliability

In this post I’ll be attempting to leverage the parsnip package in R to run through some straightforward predictive analytics/machine learning. Parsnip provides a flexible and consistent interface to apply common regression and classification algorithms in R. I’ll be working with the Cleveland Clinic Heart Disease dataset ...
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Stopping Rules for Significance Testing in R

September 5, 2019 | [R]eliability

When doing comparative testing it can be tempting to stop when we see the result that we hoped for. In the case of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), the desired outcome is often a p-value of __ .05. In the medical device industry, bench top testing can cost a lot of money. ...
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Permutation Test for NHST of 2 Samples in R

August 9, 2019 | [R]eliability

As engineers, it is not uncommon to be asked to determine whether or not two different configurations of a product perform the same. Perhaps we are asked to compare the durability of a next-generation prototype to the current generation. Sometimes we are testing the flexibility of our device versus a ...
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