Articles by R with White Dwarf

Webscrap e iteraciones con R

March 23, 2023 | R with White Dwarf

Sobre este post Estamos creando mapas de datos que muestran los cambios durante un período de tiempo para diferentes países y orientado a todo tipo de ciudades. Esto básicamente significa que necesitamos mapear cualquier región del mundo con R. Hoy en ...
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Webscrap and iteration in R

March 23, 2023 | R with White Dwarf

About this post We are creating maps of data showing changes over a span of time for different countries and pointing at all kinds of cities. That basically means that we need to map any region of the world with R. Today there are all kinds of packages...
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Reference: Dockerizing shinny apps

February 10, 2023 | R with White Dwarf

Andrew Couch has a nice video about deploying a shiny app using docker. He goes from the very basics, that asume no knowledge of docker whatsoever, which is the position of many R users like myself. I’ve been working in some shiny app lately, and... [Read more...]

Referencia: Dockerizando shinny apps

February 10, 2023 | R with White Dwarf

Andrew Couch tiene un video genial sobre como poner una aplicación shiny en docker. El video está en inglés, pero bien vale la pena. Va desde lo más básico, sin asumir ningún conocimiento de docker, lo cual es la situación de muchos usuarios de ... [Read more...]

Using Emacs for R

December 28, 2022 | R with White Dwarf

Easy Emacs To start using R, or almost anything else in Emacs you basically need to know 3 things: 1) How to move in Emacs, meaning understanding what is what and learning a few key commands; 2) What is the configuration file and how to use it and 3) H...
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EDA de datos de INEGI

November 28, 2022 | R with White Dwarf

Introducción El análisis exploratorio de datos (EDA en inglés, “Exploratory Data Analysis”) es una de las herramientas más útiles en varias áreas de análisis de datos. El concepto de EDA ha sido utilizado popularmente en los últimos años pa...
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Acerca de R White Dwarf

November 5, 2022 | R with White Dwarf

White Dwarf esta comprometido con promover el uso de R y llevarlo a mas personas. Manuel Teodoro Tenango (teoten) Teoten es estad?stico y analista de datos con estudios en ecolog?a y ciencias ambientales. Cuando no est? trabajando por dinero o idealism... [Read more...]

Minitutorial: make_logical any string

September 17, 2022 | R with White Dwarf

Welcome to R minitutorials of R White Dwarf Since the beginning of this year I’ve been forced to abandon completely the blog for countless and rather abstract personal reasons that include personal health, family matters and changes in my daily a... [Read more...]

Minitutorial: make_logical any string

September 17, 2022 | R with White Dwarf

Welcome to R minitutorials of R White Dwarf Since the beginning of this year I’ve been forced to abandon completely the blog for countless and rather abstract personal reasons that include personal health, family matters and changes in my daily a... [Read more...]
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