Articles by R Views

Dec 2020: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages

January 28, 2021 | R Views

One hundred twenty-three new packages made it to CRAN in December. Here are my “Top 40” selections in nine categories: Computational Methods, Data, Genomics, Machine Learning, Medicine, Science, Statistics, Utilities, and Visualization. Computational Methods FKF.SP v0.1.0: Provides a fast and flexible Kalman filtering implementation utilizing sequential processing, designed for efficient ...
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SEM Time Series Modeling

January 21, 2021 | R Views

Andrea Luciani is a Technical Advisor for the Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research at the Bank of Italy, and co-author of the bimets package. Structural Equation Models (SEM), which are common in many economic modeli...
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A Custom Forest Plot from Wonderful Wednesdays

January 14, 2021 | R Views

Waseem Medhat is a Statistical Programmer and Computational Experimentalist who resides in Alexandria, Egypt This post takes a closer look at the forest plot that was mentioned in a previous post introducing PSI’s Wonderful Wednesdays events. It describes a custom version of a forest plot with additional bands to ...
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Wonderful Wednesdays

January 10, 2021 | R Views

For almost a year now, the PSI Visualization Special Interest Group (VIS SIG) has been conducting a monthly graduate-level seminar on creating effective statistical visualizations that is open to everyone. Wonderful Wednesdays is a unique collegial event. Every month the SIG publishes a link to a new data set and ...
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COVID-19 Data: The Long Run

January 5, 2021 | R Views

The world seems to have moved to a new phase of paying attention to COVID-19. We have gone from pondering daily plots of case counts, to puzzling through models and forecasts, and are now moving on to the vaccines and the science behind them. For data scientists, however, the focus ...
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November: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages

December 21, 2020 | R Views

Two hundred ninety-two new packages made it to CRAN in November. Picking forty was unusually difficult. Nevertheless, here are my “Top 40” selections in twelve categories: Archaeology, Computational Methods, Data, Epidemiology, Games, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Medicine, Statistics, Time Series, Utilities, and Visualization. R developers continue to extend the reach of R. ...
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Plotting Surfaces with R

December 13, 2020 | R Views

In this post, I’d like to review some basic options for plotting three dimensional surfaces in R. In addition to producing some eye catching visualizations, plotting surfaces can also help develop one’s geometric intui...
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Learn and Teach R

December 1, 2020 | R Views

If you haven’t explored the RStudio website in a while, your next visit may include a pleasant surprise. I recently went to the Tidymodels page, just to see what was new and was immediately drawn into the new landscape imagined by the RStudio education team. Clicking on Get Started ...
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COVID-19 Mobility Data

November 24, 2020 | R Views

We are in the middle of a mind-boggling natural experiment here in the United States. In spite of the advice from the CDC and dire warnings from our nation’s health care experts, millions of Americans will travel over the long holiday weekend. Although the number of people flying is ...
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October 2020: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages

November 18, 2020 | R Views

One hundred fifty-six new packages made it to CRAN in October. Here are my “Top 40” selections in eight categories: Computational Methods, Data, Epidemiology, Mathematics, Machine Learning, Statistics, Utilities, and Visualization. Computational Methods mcmcensemble v 2.0: Provides ensemble samplers for affine-invariant Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithms which allow a faster convergence for ...
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November 11, 2020 | R Views

This week, the Bay Area useR Group (BARUG) held a mini-conference focused on ROC Curves. Talks discussed the history of the ROC, extending ROC analysis to multiclass problems, various ways to think about and interpret ROC curves, and how to translate concrete business goals into the ROC framework, and pick ... [Read more...]

Biologically Plausible Fake Survival Data

November 1, 2020 | R Views

In two recent posts, one on the Disease Progression Model and the other on Fake Data, I highlighted some of R's tools for simulating data that exhibit desired correlations and other statistical properties. In this post, I’ll focus on a sma...
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Sept 2020: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages

October 22, 2020 | R Views

Two hundred thirty-six new packages made it to CRAN in September. Here are my “Top 40” picks in eleven categories: Computational Methods, Data, Finance, Genomics, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Medicine, Statistics, Time Series, Utilities and Visualization. The large number of packages and, in my opinion, the high percentage of high quality work ...
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Help Delphi’s COVIDcast Project fight the pandemic!

October 12, 2020 | R Views

The Delphi epidemiological forecasting group at Carnegie Mellon University is undertaking a massive effort to develop leading indicators for COVID-19 outbreaks, and if you are an R or Python developer you can help. Delphi is working with both Facebook and Google to analyze the data from daily surveys that ask ...
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August 2020: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages

September 21, 2020 | R Views

One hundred forty-six new packages stuck to CRAN in August. Below, are my “Top 40” picks in eleven categories: Computational Methods, Data, Genomics, Insurance, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Medicine, Statistics, Time Series, Utilities and Visualization. Computational Methods dpseg v0.1.1: Implements an algorithm for piecewise linear segmentation of ordered data by a dynamic ... [Read more...]

Some Thoughts on R / Medicine 2020

September 15, 2020 | R Views

The third annual R / Medicine Conference was held online this year from August 27th to August 29th and was an unqualified success. The last minute pivot from small, in-person conference, which was to be held onsite at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, CHOP, to a virtual event turned out ... [Read more...]

Fake Data with R

September 8, 2020 | R Views

Simulation is the foundation of computational statistics and a fundamental organizing principle of the R language. For example, few complex tasks are more compactly expressed in any programming language than rnorm(100). But while... [Read more...]
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