Articles by R-post on Cosima Meyer

Understanding ShinyApps

October 25, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

Today, we’ll discover how you can use the power of R (and RStudio) to create, for instance, an interactive visualization with the ShinyApp framework. 💡 What is a ShinyApp? Shiny is a framework that allows you to create web applications - ShinyApp...
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Mastering Debugging in R

October 2, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

One major thing that I learned throughout the years is the power of debugging. Irrespective of the programming language I use, debugging is for me key when it comes to understanding the functionality of code (also for code written by someone else). One... [Read more...]

Writing Functions in R

September 26, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

The beauty of R is its versatility and of course the community 💜 you can use R for literally anything (I use blogdown to set up and maintain my website, xaringan to create slide decks, Shiny to build web applications, ….). All these great tools build u...
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Tweaking Hugo Portio theme

April 29, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

New year, new website? Well, not really. But when starting to set up and move RAM’s website, I decided that it was probably also time for a fresh look on my own little blog. As always, coming up with the perfect theme and moving everything to your new and ...
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New features in {overviewR}

April 23, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

overviewR (v 0.0.10) is on CRAN and comes with new features 🚀 The package is meant to serve as a Swiss army knife for exploratory data analysis. The basic functions allow you to investigate sample coverage across different time points, missing values a...
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New features in {overviewR}

April 23, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

overviewR (v 0.0.10) is on CRAN and comes with new features 🚀 The package is meant to serve as a Swiss army knife for exploratory data analysis. The basic functions allow you to investigate sample coverage across different time points, missing values a... [Read more...]

New features in {overviewR}

April 23, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

overviewR (v 0.0.10) is on CRAN and comes with new features 🚀 The package is meant to serve as a Swiss army knife for exploratory data analysis. The basic functions allow you to investigate sample coverage across different time points, missing values a... [Read more...]

R-Ladies Cologne joins the family

April 13, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

R-Ladies Cologne is a new R-Ladies chapter which was founded in September 2021. It joins R-Ladies' mission to promote and support gender equality in the field. Together with Luciana and Gabe, we have hosted three events so far. Kicking it off, we had a...
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R-Ladies Cologne joins the family

April 13, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

R-Ladies Cologne is a new R-Ladies chapter which was founded in September 2021. It joins R-Ladies' mission to promote and support gender equality in the field. Together with Luciana and Gabe, we have hosted three events so far. Kicking it off, we had a... [Read more...]

Teaching stats and programming

September 27, 2021 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

I am thrilled to share that my article “Bringing the World to the Classroom: Teaching Statistics and Programming in a Project-Based Setting” is published in PS: Political Science and Politics as an open-access article. I set up and teste...
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Teaching stats and programming

September 27, 2021 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

I am thrilled to share that my article “Bringing the World to the Classroom: Teaching Statistics and Programming in a Project-Based Setting” is published in PS: Political Science and Politics as an open-access article. I set up and tested t... [Read more...]
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