Articles by R on Will Hipson

Plotting the Affect Circumplex in R

January 14, 2019 | R on Will Hipson

I’m a strong adherent to the circumplex model of emotions introduced by James Russell in the late 1980s. Russell argued that all emotional experience can be boiled down to two dimensions: valence and arousal, with valence being how positive or negative you feel and arousal being how sluggish or ...
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A New Way to Handle Multivariate Outliers

January 9, 2019 | R on Will Hipson

Psychologists often have a standoffish attitude toward outliers. Developmental psychologists, in particular, seem uncomfortable with removing cases because of the challenges inherent in obtaining data in the first place. However, the process of identifying and (sometimes) removing outliers is not a witch hunt to cleanse datasets of “weird” cases; rather, ...
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