Articles by R on Stats and R

Descriptive statistics in R

January 21, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Minimum and maximum Range Mean Median First and third quartile Other quantiles Interquartile range Standard deviation and variance Summary Coefficient of variation Mode Contingency table Barplot Histogram Boxplot Scatterplot QQ-plot For a single variable By groups Density plot Introduction This article explains how to compute the main descriptive ...
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Descriptive statistics in R

January 21, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Minimum and maximum Range Mean Median First and third quartile Other quantiles Interquartile range Standard deviation and variance Summary Coefficient of variation Mode Correlation Contingency table Mosaic plot Barplot Histogram...
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World map of visited countries in R

January 8, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Like me, if you like traveling as much as R you might want to draw a world map of the countries you have visited in R. Below an example with the countries I have visited as of January 2020: To draw this map in R, you will need the following packages: {{... [Read more...]

World map of visited countries in R

January 8, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Like me, if you like traveling as much as R you might want to draw a world map of the countries you have visited in R. Below an example with the countries I have visited as of January 2020: To draw this map in R, you will need the following packages: {{... [Read more...]

Data types in R

December 29, 2019 | R on Stats and R

What data types exist in R? Numeric Integer Character Factor Logical This article presents the different data types in R. To learn about the different variable types from a statistical point of view, read “Variable types and examples”. What da...
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Data types in R

December 29, 2019 | R on Stats and R

What data types exist in R? Numeric Integer Character Logical This article presents the different data types in R. To learn about the different variable types from a statistical point of view, read “Variable types and examples”. What data types exist in R? There are five data types in R: ... [Read more...]

Data manipulation in R

December 23, 2019 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Dataset Subset a dataset First or last observations Random sample of observations Based on row or column numbers Based on variable names Based on one or multiple criterion Create a new variable Transform a continuous variable into a c...
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Data manipulation in R

December 23, 2019 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Dataset Subset a dataset First or last observations Random sample of observations Based on row or column numbers Based on variable names Based on one or multiple criterion Create a new variable Discretize a continuous variable Categorical variables and labels management Recode categorical variables Change reference level Rename variable ... [Read more...]

How to import an Excel file in RStudio

December 17, 2019 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Transform an Excel file to a CSV file R working directory Get working directory Set working directory User-friendly method Via the console Via the text editor Import your dataset User-friendly way Via the text editor Import SPSS (.sav) files Introduction As we have seen in this article on how ...
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How to install R and RStudio?

December 16, 2019 | R on Stats and R

What is R and RStudio? R RStudio The main components of RStudio Examples of code Calculator Comments Store and print values Vectors Matrices Generate random values Plot What is R and RStudio? R The statistical program R is nothing more than...
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How to install R and RStudio?

December 16, 2019 | R on Stats and R

What is R and RStudio? R RStudio The main components of RStudio Examples of code Calculator Comments Store and print values Vectors Matrices Generate random values Plot What is R and RStudio? R R is nothing more than a programming language. At the time of writing, this language is (one ...
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