Articles by R on Stats and R

Correlation coefficient and correlation test in R

May 27, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Correlation coefficient Between two variables Correlation matrix: correlations for all variables Interpretation of a correlation coefficient Visualizations A scatterplot for 2 variables Scatterplots for several pairs of variables Another simple correlation matrix Correlation test For 2 variables For several pairs of variables Combination of correlation coefficients and correlation tests Introduction ...
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COVID-19 in Belgium: is it over yet?

May 21, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction New hospital admissions New confirmed cases Introduction This is a joint work with Prof. Niko Speybroeck and Angel Rosas-Aguirre. Belgium recently started to lift its lockdown measures initially imposed to contain the spread of the...
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One-proportion and goodness of fit test (in R and by hand)

May 12, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction In R Data One-proportion test Assumption of prop.test() and binom.test() Chi-square goodness of fit test Does my distribution follow a given distribution? Observed frequencies Expected frequencies Observed vs. expected frequencies By hand One-proportion test Verification in R Goodness of fit test Verification in R Introduction In a ...
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COVID-19 in Belgium

March 30, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Top R resources on Coronavirus Coronavirus dashboard for your own country Motivations, limitations and structure of the article Analysis of Coronavirus in Belgium A classic epidemiological model: the SIR model Fitting a SIR model to th...
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COVID-19 in Belgium

March 30, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Top R resources on Coronavirus Coronavirus dashboard for your own country Motivations, limitations and structure of the article Analysis of Coronavirus in Belgium A classic epidemiological model: the SIR model Fitting a SIR model to the Belgium data Reproduction number \(R_0\) Using our model to analyze the outbreak if ...
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