Articles by R on Stats and R

Stats and R is 2 years old!

December 15, 2021 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Analytics Users and page views Page views over time Page views per channel Page views per day of week and month of year Page views per month and year Top performing pages Page views by country User engagement by devices Browser information End note Introduction Stats and R has ...
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What statistical test should I do?

December 1, 2021 | R on Stats and R

Being a teaching assistant in statistics for students with diverse backgrounds, I have the chance to see what is globally not well understood by students. I have realized that it is usually not a problem for students to do a specific statistical te...
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Multiple linear regression made simple

October 3, 2021 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Simple linear regression: reminder Principle Equation Interpretations of coefficients \(\widehat\beta\) Significance of the relationship Correlation does not imply causation Conditions of application Visualizations Multiple linear regression Principle Equation Interpretations of coefficients \(\widehat\beta\) Conditions of application How to choose a good linear model? \(P\)-value associated to the ...
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Running pace calculator in R Shiny

March 14, 2021 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Running pace calculator How to use it? Code Introduction If you are a runner yourself, you are certainly aware of how important preparation is before a race. For the preparation of my first marathon, I used to rely on a training p...
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Hypothesis test by hand

January 26, 2021 | R on Stats and R

Descriptive versus inferential statistics Motivations and limitations Hypothesis test Why? When? How? Method A: Comparing the test statistic with the critical value Step #1: Stating the null and alternative hypothesis Step #2: Computing the test st...
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How to track the performance of your blog in R?

December 15, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Prerequisites Analytics Users, page views and sessions Sessions over time Sessions per channel Sessions per day of week Sessions per day and time Sessions per month and year Top performing pages Time-normalized page views Page views by country Browser information User engagement by devices Content Finding topics Content distribution ...
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How to track the performance of your blog in R?

December 15, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Prerequisites Analytics Users, page views and sessions Sessions over time Sessions per channel Sessions per day of week Sessions per day and time Sessions per month and year Top performing pages Time-normalized page views Page views by country Browser information User engagement by devices Content Finding topics Content distribution ...
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October 11, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Aim and hypotheses of ANOVA Underlying assumptions of ANOVA Variable type Independence Normality Equality of variances - homogeneity Another method to test normality and homogeneity ANOVA Preliminary analyses ANOVA in R Interpretations of ANOVA results What’s next? Post-hoc test Issue of multiple testing Post-hoc tests in R ...
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October 11, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Aim and hypotheses of ANOVA Underlying assumptions of ANOVA Variable type Independence Normality Equality of variances - homogeneity Another method to test normality and homogeneity ANOVA Preliminary analyses ANOVA in R Interpretations of ANOVA results What’s next? Post-hoc test Issue of multiple testing Post-hoc tests in R ...
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Graphics in R with ggplot2

August 20, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Basic principles of {ggplot2} Create plots with {ggplot2} Scatter plot Line plot Combination of line and points Histogram Density plot Combination of histogram and densities Boxplot Barplot Further personalization Title an...
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Graphics in R with ggplot2

August 20, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Data Basic principles of {ggplot2} Create plots with {ggplot2} Scatter plot Line plot Combination of line and points Histogram Density plot Combination of histogram and densities Boxplot Barplot Further personalization Labels Axis ticks Log transformations Limits Legend Shape, color, size and transparency Smooth and regression lines Facets Themes Interactive ...
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Mortgage calculator in R Shiny

August 13, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Mortgage calculator How to use the mortgage calculator? Code of the app Introduction I recently moved out and bought my first apartment. Of course, I could not pay it entirely with my own savings, so I had to borrow money from the...
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Mortgage calculator in R Shiny

August 13, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Mortgage calculator How to use the mortgage calculator? Code of the app Introduction I recently moved out and bought my first apartment. Of course, I could not pay it entirely with my own savings, so I had to borrow money from the...
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Outliers detection in R

August 10, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Descriptive statistics Minimum and maximum Histogram Boxplot Percentiles Hampel filter Statistical tests Grubbs’s test Dixon’s test Rosner’s test Additional remarks Introduction An outlier is a value or an observation that is distant from other observations, that is to say, a data point that differs significantly from ...
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Outliers detection in R

August 10, 2020 | R on Stats and R

Introduction Descriptive statistics Minimum and maximum Histogram Boxplot Percentiles Hampel filter Statistical tests Grubbs’s test Dixon’s test Rosner’s test Additional remarks Reference Introduction An outlier is a value or an observation ...
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