Articles by R on Robert Kubinec

Stop Using Fractional Logit

February 14, 2023 | R on Robert Kubinec

This post focuses on one of the more curious models in contemporary statistics, a specification for proportions that is either called fractional logit or quasi-Binomial. While in most cases in statistics, the evaluation of a model necessarily invol... [Read more...]

What’s Logs Got to Do With It?

December 15, 2022 | R on Robert Kubinec

Twitter (or what’s left of it) was recently ablaze with a discussion of two smart working papers, one by Jiafeng Chen and Jonathan Roth and the other by John Mullahy and Edward Norton. In different ways, they argue against the use of non-linear t... [Read more...]

What Panel Data Is Really All About

April 22, 2020 | R on Robert Kubinec

We’ve all been in that seminar where the author puts up a slide containing regression coefficients, and buried in the bottom line of the table we can see little Ys and Ns indicating the kind of panel data model employed. Quite often, these brief descriptions of models are taken ... [Read more...]

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