Articles by R on Rob J Hyndman

Reproducibility in computational research

September 25, 2015 | R on Rob J Hyndman

Jane Frazier spoke at our research team meeting today on “Reproducibility in computational research”. We had a very stimulating and lively discussion about the issues involved. One interesting idea was that reproducibility is on a scale, and we can all aim to move further along the scale towards making our ... [Read more...]

Chinese R conference

September 24, 2015 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I will be speaking at the Chinese R conference in Nanchang, to be held on 24-25 October, on “Forecasting Big Time Series Data using R”. Details (for those who can read Chinese) are at [Read more...]

Upcoming talks in California

September 22, 2015 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I’m back in California for the next couple of weeks, and will give the following talk at Stanford and UC-Davis. Optimal forecast reconciliation for big time series data Time series can often be naturally disaggregated in a hierarchical or grouped structure. For example, a manufacturing company can disaggregate total ... [Read more...]

Mathematical annotations on R plots

September 2, 2015 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I’ve always struggled with using plotmath via the expression function in R for adding mathematical notation to axes or legends. For some reason, the most obvious way to write something never seems to work for me and I end up using trial and error in a loop with far ...
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Murphy diagrams in R

July 16, 2015 | R on Rob J Hyndman

At the recent International Symposium on Forecasting, held in Riverside, California, Tillman Gneiting gave a great talk on “Evaluating forecasts: why proper scoring rules and consistent scoring functions matter”. It will be the subject of an IJF invited paper in due course. One of the things he talked about was ...
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