Articles by R on Rob J Hyndman

Monthly seasonality

May 2, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I regularly get asked why I don’t consider monthly seasonality in my models for daily or sub-daily time series. For example, this recent comment on my post on seasonal periods, or this comment on my post on daily data. The fact is, I’ve never seen a time series ... [Read more...]

Monthly seasonality

May 2, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I regularly get asked why I don’t consider monthly seasonality in my models for daily or sub-daily time series. For example, this recent comment on my post on seasonal periods, or this comment on my post on daily data. The fact is, I’ve never seen a time series ... [Read more...]

Converting to blogdown

April 29, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

This website has gone through several major updates over the years. It began in 1993 as some handcrafted html files, transitioned to Joomla and later to Wordpress. Then it slowly grew into a collection of ten connected Wordpress installations that became increasingly difficult to maintain, and rather slow. So I’ve ... [Read more...]

Converting to blogdown

April 29, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

This website has gone through several major updates over the years. It began in 1993 as some handcrafted html files, transitioned to Joomla and later to Wordpress. Then it slowly grew into a collection of ten connected Wordpress installations that became increasingly difficult to maintain, and rather slow. So I’ve ... [Read more...]

Software for honours students

April 4, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I spoke to our new crop of honours students this morning. Here are my slides, example files and links. Managing References Mendeley Zotero Paperpile Data analysis and computation Download R Download Rstudio Online R tutorial R packages fo... [Read more...]

Software for honours students

April 4, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I spoke to our new crop of honours students this morning. Here are my slides, example files and links. Managing References Mendeley Zotero Paperpile Data analysis and computation Download R Download Rstudio Online R tutorial R packages fo... [Read more...]

Follow-up forecasting forum in Eindhoven

March 7, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

Last October I gave a 3-day masterclass on “Forecasting with R” in Eindhoven, Netherlands. There is a follow-up event planned for Tuesday 18 April 2017. It is particularly designed for people who attended the 3-day class, but if anyone else wants to attend they would be welcome. Please register here if you ... [Read more...]

Follow-up forecasting forum in Eindhoven

March 7, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

Last October I gave a 3-day masterclass on “Forecasting with R” in Eindhoven, Netherlands. There is a follow-up event planned for Tuesday 18 April 2017. It is particularly designed for people who attended the 3-day class, but if anyone else wants to attend they would be welcome. Please register here if you ... [Read more...]

forecast 8.0

February 28, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

In what is now a roughly annual event, the forecast package has been updated on CRAN with a new version, this time 8.0. A few of the more important new features are described below. Check residuals A common task when building forecasting models is to c... [Read more...]

forecast 8.0

February 28, 2017 | R on Rob J Hyndman

In what is now a roughly annual event, the forecast package has been updated on CRAN with a new version, this time 8.0. A few of the more important new features are described below. Check residuals A common task when building forecasting models is to check that the residuals satisfy some ... [Read more...]

Cross-validation for time series

December 5, 2016 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I’ve added a couple of new functions to the forecast package for R which implement two types of cross-validation for time series.K-fold cross-validation for autoregression The first is regular k-fold cross-validation for autoregressive models. Although cross-validation is sometimes not valid for time series models, it does work for ... [Read more...]

Q&A time

October 23, 2016 | R on Rob J Hyndman

Someone sent me some questions by email, and I decided to answer some of them here. How important is it that I know and understand the underlying mathematical framework to forecasting methods? I understand conceptually how most of them work, but I feel as if I may benefit from truly ... [Read more...]

Forecast intervals for aggregates

September 14, 2016 | R on Rob J Hyndman

A common problem is to forecast the aggregate of several time periods of data, using a model fitted to the disaggregated data. For example, you may have monthly data but wish to forecast the total for the next year. Or you may have weekly data, and wan... [Read more...]

R packages for forecast combinations

September 1, 2016 | R on Rob J Hyndman

It has been well-known since at least 1969, when Bates and Granger wrote their famous paper on “The Combination of Forecasts”, that combining forecasts often leads to better forecast accuracy. So it is helpful to have a couple of new R packages whi... [Read more...]

Rmarkdown template for a Monash working paper

August 28, 2016 | R on Rob J Hyndman

This is only directly relevant to my Monash students and colleagues, but the same idea might be useful for adapting to other institutions. Some recent changes in the rmarkdown and bookdown packages mean that it is now possible to produce working papers in exactly the same format as we previously ... [Read more...]
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