Articles by R on Ralf Stubner

dqrng v0.2.1

May 16, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

I have blogged about dqrng before, but I forgot to write about the v0.2.0 release, even though that brought a lot of changes including the fast sampling methods to CRAN: Add R side support for selecting multiple streams for parallel usage. Implement long_jump() for Xo(ro)shiro as alternative ... [Read more...]

dqrng v0.2.1

May 16, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

I have blogged about dqrng before, but I forgot to write about the v0.2.0 release, even though that brought a lot of changes including the fast sampling methods to CRAN: Add R side support for selecting multiple streams for parallel usage. Implement long_jump() for Xo(ro)shiro as alternative ... [Read more...]
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