Articles by R on Ralf Stubner

Bug fixes for dqrng and tikzDevice

November 28, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

Today dqrng version 0.3.2 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. In addition tikzDevice version 0.12.6 made it unto CRAN as well. Both releases are minor bug fixes triggered by a new WARN on CRAN. Recently the development version of R... [Read more...]

Using dqrng as user-supplied RNG

September 23, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

My dqrng package has some quite old issues, one is “More distribution functions” where I brought forward the idea to support additional distribution functions within dqrng, which currently only supports uniform, normal and exponential distributions....
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Choosing a new default RNG for dqrng

September 8, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

Currently the dqrng package supports only xoroshiro128+ and xoshiro256+ from (see also Blackman and Vigna 2021). These RNGs should only be used for creating floating point numbers, which was the case for dqrng originally. H...
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dqrng v0.3.1 and tikzDevice v0.12.5

August 29, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

Today dqrng version 0.3.1 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. Kyle Butts provided the implementation for the new dqrrademacher method for drawing Rademacher weights. The Rademacher distribution is equivalent to flipping a fair coin... [Read more...]

swephR v0.3.1

May 7, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

This morning swephR version 0.3.1 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The goal of swephR is to provide an R interface to the Swiss Ephemeris (SE), a high precision ephemeris based upon the DE431 ephemeris from NASA’s JPL. It ... [Read more...]

tikzDevice v0.12.4

February 9, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

Yesterday tikzDevice version 0.12.4 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The tikzDevice package provides a graphics output device for R that records plots in a LaTeX-friendly format. The device transforms plotting commands issued b... [Read more...]

Roulette-wheel selection for dqrng

December 28, 2022 | R on Ralf Stubner

There is a long standing issue with my {dqrng} package: weighted sampling. Since implementing fast un-weighted sampling methods quite some time ago, I have now started looking into possibilities for weighted sampling. The issue contains a reference ...
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dqrng v0.3.0

April 30, 2021 | R on Ralf Stubner

Today dqrng version 0.3.0 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. This release contains a breaking change: The initial state of dqrng’s RNG is based on R’s RNG, which used to advance R’s RNG state. The implementation... [Read more...]

swephR v0.3.0

August 27, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

This afternoon swephR version 0.3.0 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The goal of swephR is to provide an R interface to the Swiss Ephemeris (SE), a high precision ephemeris based upon the DE431 ephemeris from NASA’s JPL. It covers the time range 13201 BCE to 17191 ... [Read more...]

tikzDevice v0.12.3

August 7, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

Yesterday tikzDevice version 0.12.3 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The tikzDevice package provides a graphics output device for R that records plots in a LaTeX-friendly format. The device transforms plotting commands issued by R functions into LaTeX code blocks. When included in a paper typeset ... [Read more...]

XY problems

August 1, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

The so called XY problem is a classical situation on Q&A sites such as stackoverflow. While answering a recent question there I thought to have spotted such a case and addressed the actual problem. As it turns out, I had stopped to early when go...
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swephR v0.2.1

July 7, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

This morning swephR version 0.2.1 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The goal of swephR is to provide an R interface to the Swiss Ephemeris, a high precision ephemeris based upon the DE431 ephemeris from NASA’s JPL. It covers the time range 13201 BCE to 17191 CE. ... [Read more...]

swephR v0.2.0

July 4, 2019 | R on Ralf Stubner

This morning swephR version 0.2.0 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The goal of swephR is to provide an R interface to the Swiss Ephemeris, a high precision ephemeris based upon the DE431 ephemeris from NASA’s JPL. It covers the time range 13201 BCE to 17191 CE. ... [Read more...]
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