Articles by R on Pablo Bernabeu

Parallelizing simr::powercurve() in R

July 23, 2021 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

The powercurve function from the simr package in R (Green & MacLeod, 2016) can incur very long running times when the method used for the calculation of p values is Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite (see Luke, 2017). Here I suggest three ways for cutting down this time. Where possible, use a high-performance (or high-end) ...
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WebVTT caption transcription app

December 31, 2020 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

This open-source, R-based web application allows the conversion of video captions (subtitles) from the Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) Format into plain texts. For this purpose, users upload a WebVTT file with the extension .vtt or .txt (examples av... [Read more...]

R Markdown amidst Madison parks

August 13, 2020 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

This document is part of teaching materials created for the workshop ‘Open data and reproducibility v2.1: R Markdown, dashboards and Binder’, delivered at the CarpentryCon 2020 conference. The purpose of this specific document is to practise R Markdown, including basic features such as Markdown markup and code chunks, along with more ... [Read more...]

Web application for the simulation of experimental data

May 31, 2020 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

  Purposes This open-source, R-based web application is suitable for educational and research purposes in experimental and quantitative sciences. It allows the creation of varied data sets with specified structures, such as between-group and within-participant variables, that can be categorical or continuous. These parameters can be set throughout the various tabs (...
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Data is present: Workshops and datathons

December 31, 2019 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

Enhanced data presentation using reproducible documents and dashboards Calendar Date Title Event and location Registration 26 Nov 2020 Mixed-effects models in R, and a new tool for data simulation New Tricks Seminars, Dept. Psychology, Lancaster University [online] 8 Oct 2020 Reproducibilidad en torno a una aplicación web Reprohack en español, LatinR Conference 2020 [... [Read more...]
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