Articles by R on Pablo Bernabeu

ggplotting power curves from simr package

June 26, 2023 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

The R package simr has greatly facilitated power analysis for mixed-effects models using Monte Carlo simulation (i.e., hundreds or thousands of tests under slight variations of the data). The powerCurve function is used to estimate the statistical power for various sample sizes in one go. Since it runs serially, ...
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How to break up colour variable in sjPlot into equally-sized bins

June 24, 2023 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

Whereas the direction of main effects can be interpreted from the sign of the estimate, the interpretation of interaction effects often requires plots. This task is facilitated by the R package sjPlot (Lüdecke, 2022). For instance, using the plot_model function, I plotted the interaction between two continuous variables.
#> Loading required package: Matrix


# Create data using code by Ben Bolker from 

spin = runif(600, 1, 24)
reg = runif(600, 1, 15)
ID = rep(c("1","2","3","4","5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"))
day = rep(1:30, each = 10)
testdata <- data.frame(spin, reg, ID, day)
testdata$fatigue <- testdata$spin * testdata$reg/10 * rnorm(30, mean=3, sd=2)

fit = lmer(fatigue ~ spin * reg + (1|ID),
           data = testdata, REML = TRUE)

plot_model(fit, type = 'pred', terms = c('spin', 'reg'))
#> Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: linewidth
[Read more...]

How to break down colour variable in sjPlot::plot_model into equally-sized bins

June 24, 2023 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

Whereas the direction of main effects can be interpreted from the sign of the estimate, the interpretation of interaction effects often requires plots. This task is facilitated by the R package sjPlot (Lüdecke, 2022). For instance, using the plot_model function, I plotted the interaction between two continuous variables.
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Learn more about sjPlot with 'browseVignettes("sjPlot")'.


# Create data partially based on code by Ben Bolker  
# from


spin = runif(800, 1, 24)

trait = rep(1:40, each = 20)

ID = rep(1:80, each = 10)

testdata <- data.frame(spin, trait, ID)

testdata$fatigue <- 
  testdata$spin * testdata$trait / 
  rnorm(800, mean = 6, sd = 2)

# Model
fit = lmer(fatigue ~ spin * trait + (1|ID),
           data = testdata, REML = TRUE)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')

plot_model(fit, type = 'pred', terms = c('spin', 'trait'))
#> Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: linewidth
[Read more...]

Table joins with conditional “fuzzy” string matching in R

June 23, 2023 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

Here’s an example of fuzzy-matching strings in R that I shared on StackOverflow. In stringdist_join, the max_dist argument is used to constrain the degree of fuzziness.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

small_tab = data.frame(Food.Name = c('Corn', 'Squash', 'Peppers'), 
                       Food.Code = c(NA, NA, NA))

large_tab = data.frame(Food.Name = c('Sweet Corn', 'Red Corn', 'Baby Corns', 
                                     'Squash', 'Long Squash', 'Red Pepper', 
                                     'Green Pepper', 'Red Peppers'), 
                       Food.Code = c(532, 532, 944, 111, 123, 654, 655, 654))

joined_tab = stringdist_join(small_tab, large_tab, by = 'Food.Name',
                             ignore_case = TRUE, method = 'cosine', 
                             max_dist = 0.5, distance_col = 'dist') %>%
  # Tidy columns 
  select(Food.Name = Food.Name.x, -Food.Name.y, 
         Food.Code = Food.Code.y, -dist) %>%
  # Only keep most frequent food code per food name
  group_by(Food.Name) %>% count(Food.Name, Food.Code) %>% 
  slice(which.max(n)) %>% select(-n) %>%
  # Order food names as in the small table
  arrange(factor(Food.Name, levels = small_tab$Food.Name))

# Show table with columns renamed
joined_tab %>%
  rename('Food Name' = Food.Name, 
         'Food Code' = Food.Code) %>%
Food Name Food Code Corn 532 Squash 111 Peppers 654 Created on 2023-05-31 with reprex v2.0.2 [Read more...]

Why can’t we be friends? Plotting frequentist (lme4) and Bayesian (brms) mixed-effects models

December 22, 2022 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

Frequentist and Bayesian statistics are sometimes regarded as fundamentally different philosophies. Indeed, can both methods qualify as philosophies, or is one of them just a pointless ritual? Is frequentist statistics about \(p\) values only? Are frequentist estimates diametrically opposed to Bayesian posterior distributions? Are confidence intervals and credible intervals irreconcilable? ...
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Why can’t we be friends? Plotting frequentist (lmerTest) and Bayesian (brms) mixed-effects models

December 22, 2022 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

Frequentist and Bayesian statistics are sometimes regarded as fundamentally different philosophies. Indeed, can both methods qualify as philosophies, or is one of them just a pointless ritual? Is frequentist statistics about \(p\) values only? Are frequentist estimates diametrically opposed to Bayesian posterior distributions? Are confidence intervals and credible intervals irreconcilable? ...
[Read more...]

Tackling knitting errors in R Markdown

November 13, 2021 | R on Pablo Bernabeu

When knitting an R Markdown document after the first time, errors may sometimes appear. Three tips are recommended below. 1. Close PDF reader window When the document is knitted through the ‘Knit’ button, a PDF reader window opens to present the result. Closing this window can help resolve knitting errors. 2. Delete ... [Read more...]
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