Articles by R on

An R Pipeline for XGBoost Part I

October 3, 2020 | R on

Contents: Introduction XGBoost - An Implementation of Gradient Boosting Load And Explore The Data Hyperparameters Training The Model: Or, how I learned to stop overfitting and love the cross-validation Making Predictions Conclusion 1 Introduction XG... [Read more...]

Demonstrating The Central Limit Theorem in R

August 3, 2020 | R on

In this post we'll talk about what the Central Limit Theorem is, why it's important, and how we can see it in action, using R.
# Libraries used in this article:

# Theme used for graphing:
Table of Contents Introduction - What is the Central Limit Theorem? Why is it important? Let's see it in action 1. Introduction - What is ... [Read more...]

An Introduction to H2O Using R

December 3, 2018 | R on

1. Introduction In this post we discuss the H2O machine learning platform. We talk about what H2O is, and how to get started with it, using R - we create a Random Forest which we use to classify the Iris Dataset. 2. What is H2O? The definition foun... [Read more...]

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