Articles by R on Jason Bryer

Bootstrap vs Standard Error Confidence Intervals

February 10, 2025 | R on Jason Bryer

During a recent class a student asked whether bootstrap confidence intervals were more robust than confidence intervals estimated using the standard error (i.e. \(SE = \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}\)). In order to answer this question I wrote a function to simulate taking a bunch of random samples from a population, ... [Read more...]

How Long Does it Take to Win War?

April 5, 2023 | R on Jason Bryer

My son has been learning Python and wanted to know how many rounds does it take, on average, for someone to win the game of war. If you are not familar with the game, it is a two player game where each player gets half a deck of cards (26). For ... [Read more...]

SFTP in R on a Mac

April 6, 2022 | R on Jason Bryer

I am working on a project where I need to upload PDFs generated from Rmarkdown to a SFTP server. The sftp R package is a nice wrapper to the RCurl package for handling SFTP access. But to my surprise, SFTP support is not included on Macs by default through the ... [Read more...]

Map my run in R

February 14, 2021 | R on Jason Bryer

First, I want to give a plug to the RStats Strava Running Club. If you are into running, it is a great group that provides lots of support. This post is inspired by this streetmaps tutorial over at on creating map artwork/posters. ... [Read more...]

Framework for Shiny Apps in R Packages

February 11, 2021 | R on Jason Bryer

TL;DR: You can test this approach using this Github Gist. R Shiny Apps have become a popular way of creating web applications in R. There are many ways of running Shiny Apps including locally in RStudio, on or installing the server software on your own host. I ... [Read more...]

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