Often (especially when working with large and/or rich datasets) our (gg)plots can feel cluttered with information. But they don’t have to be!
Let’s look at the following plot:
Generate some data
bfi <- psychTools::bfi %>%
O = across(starts_with("O")) %>% rowMeans(na.rm = TRUE),
C = across(starts_with("C")) %>% rowMeans(na.rm = TRUE),
E = across(starts_with("E")) %>% rowMeans(na.rm = TRUE),
A = across(starts_with("A")) %>% rowMeans(na.rm = TRUE),
N = across(starts_with("N")) %>% rowMeans(na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
gender = factor(gender, labels = c("Man", "Woman")),
education = factor(education, labels = c("HS", "finished HS", "some college", "college graduate", "graduate degree"))
) %>%
select(gender, education, age, O:N) %>%
tidyr::drop_na(education) %>%
# multiply the data set
sample_n(size = 10000, replace = TRUE) %>%
# and add some noise
mutate(across(O:N, \(x) x + rnorm(x, 0, sd(x))))
base_plot <- ggplot(bfi, aes(age, O, color = education)) +
facet_wrap(facets = vars(gender)) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(1, 6)) +
base_plot +
geom_point(shape = 16, alpha = 0.1) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
This is a busy plot. It’s hard to see what the each ...