Articles by R on Guangchuang Yu

an example of drawing beast tree using ggtree

March 31, 2015 | R on Guangchuang Yu

FigTree is designed for viewing beast output as demonstrated by their example data: BEAST output is well supported by ggtree and it's easy to reproduce such a tree view. ggtree supports parsing beast output by read.beast function. We can visualize the tree directly by using ggtree function. Since this ...
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DAVID functional analysis with clusterProfiler

March 16, 2015 | R on Guangchuang Yu

clusterProfiler was used to visualize DAVID results in a paper published in BMC Genomics. Some users told me that they may want to use DAVID at some circumstances. I think it maybe a good idea to make clusterProfiler supports DAVID, so that DAVID users can use visualization functions provided by ...
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ggtree in Bioconductor 3.1

January 18, 2015 | R on Guangchuang Yu

I am very glad that ggtree is now available via Bioconductor. This is my 6th Bioconductor package. ggtree now supports parsing output files from BEAST, PAML, HYPHY, EPA and PPLACER and can annotate phylogenetic tree directly using plot methods. Find out more at [Read more...]

proper use of GOSemSim

November 22, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

One day, I am looking for R packages that can analyze PPI and after searching, I found the ppiPre package in CRAN. The function of this package is not impressive, and I already knew some related works, including The authors of this webserver contacted me ... [Read more...]

Yearly Topic Trend in PubMed

November 3, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

I found an R script in R-blogger that can be used to track PubMed trend. The script needs Perl package TGen-EUtils to perform query and it is not available now. It's not difficult to query Pubmed record in R. We can use RCurl package to fetch and use XML package ...
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SIR Model of Epidemics

October 12, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

The SIR model divides the population to three compartments: Susceptible, Infected and Recovered. If the disease dynamic fits the SIR model, then the flow of individuals is one direction from the susceptible group to infected group and then to the recovered group. All individuals are assumed to be identical in ... [Read more...]

multiple annotation in ChIPseeker

October 1, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Nearest gene annotation Almost all annotation software calculate the distance of a peak to the nearest TSS and assign the peak to that gene. This can be misleading, as binding sites might be located between two start sites of different genes or hit different genes which have the same TSS ... [Read more...]

why clusterProfiler fails

August 6, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Recently, there are some comments said that sometimes clusterProfiler failed in KEGG enrichment analysis. kaji331 compared cluserProfiler with GeneAnswers and found that clusterProfiler gives larger p values. The result forces me to test it. Read More: 251 Words Totally [Read more...]

enrichment map

August 3, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

In PLOB's QQ group, someone asked how to change the color of enrichment map in Cytoscape. I am very curious how enrichment map can helps to interpret enrichment results. It took me 2 hours to implement it using R and I am surprised that the enrichment map is better than anticipated. ... [Read more...]


July 23, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

去年ubuntu下apt-get了R-3.0.2, 用了没多久就发现了system命令有问题,通常情况下调用系统命令是正常的,但是我调用bowtie的时候,就会报错: Warning: Could not open read file "/tmp/8156.inpipe1" for reading; skipping... Read More: 2553 Words Totally [Read more...]

ChIPseeker for ChIP peak annotation

April 13, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

ChIPpeakAnno WAS the only one R package for ChIP peak annotation. I used it for annotating peak in my recent study. I found it does not consider the strand information of genes. I reported the bug to the authors, but they are reluctant to change. Read More: 2903 Words Totally [Read more...]

Bug of R package ChIPpeakAnno

January 13, 2014 | R on Guangchuang Yu

I used R package ChIPpeakAnno for annotating peaks, and found that it handle the DNA strand in the wrong way. Maybe the developers were from the computer science but not biology background. ?View Code RSPLUS1 Read More: 2754 Words Totally [Read more...]

Run remote R in Emacs with ESS

November 13, 2013 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Emacs is a great front-end for most of the command line tools. Although R-Studio is pretty good, I think Emacs/ESS is better. I’ve always used Emacs/ESS to run R, since 2007 on Ubuntu, on Windows, and on my MacBook Pro. It gives me the same experiences across all ... [Read more...]
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