Articles by R on easystats

The end of errors in ANOVA reporting

March 27, 2019 | R on easystats

Psychological science is still massively using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Despite its relative simplicity, I am very often confronted to errors in its reporting, for instance in student’s theses or manuscripts, or even published papers (See the excellent statcheck to quickly check the stats of a paper). Beyond the ... [Read more...]

Formatted correlation output with effect sizes

March 24, 2019 | R on easystats

One of the most time-consuming part of data analysis in science is the copy-pasting of specific values of some R output to a manuscript or a report. This task is frustrating, prone to errors, and increases the variability of statistical reporting. At the sime time, standardizing practices of what and ... [Read more...]

Formatted correlation output with effect sizes

March 24, 2019 | R on easystats

One of the most time-consuming part of data analysis in science is the copy-pasting of specific values of some R output to a manuscript or a report. This task is frustrating, prone to errors, and increases the variability of statistical reporting. At the sime time, standardizing practices of what and ... [Read more...]

Formatted correlation output with effect sizes

March 24, 2019 | R on easystats

One of the most time-consuming part of data analysis in science is the copy-pasting of specific values of some R output to a manuscript or a report. This task is frustrating, prone to errors, and increases the variability of statistical reporting. At the sime time, standardizing practices of what and ... [Read more...]

Formatted correlation output with effect sizes

March 24, 2019 | R on easystats

One of the most time-consuming part of data analysis in science is the copy-pasting of specific values of some R output to a manuscript or a report. This task is frustrating, prone to errors, and increases the variability of statistical reporting. At the sime time, standardizing practices of what and ... [Read more...]
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