Articles by R on BitFoam

More Monster Maze

April 21, 2024 | R on BitFoam

A lot has happening in Monster Maze for the last months and a new chapter has now opened. Wanna play? Play here Code The code is publicly available in Github: monster-maze-shiny-mob...
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Shiny Monster Maze

January 23, 2023 | R on BitFoam

Shiny version for mobile The eerie wails, the apparitions and other supernatural manifestations are an unlimited source for entertainment. I could not just keep Monster Maze for myself and deprive you of such a joyful game. So I...
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Special Halloween 2022 – Monster Maze

October 19, 2022 | R on BitFoam

39 years have passed since the unsettling events in that creepy sort of place known as “Ghost Maze”. The yells and shouts haven’t ceased ever since. But it has only been recently when villagers have started to claim that someth...
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Special Halloween 2022 – Monster Maze

October 19, 2022 | R on BitFoam

39 years have passed since the unsettling events in that creepy sort of place known as “Ghost Maze”. The yells and shouts haven’t ceased ever since. But it has only been recently when villagers have started to claim that someth...
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Turing machines and the busy beavers

May 16, 2022 | R on BitFoam

For years I have been an avid reader of the Science website Naukas. The website is a carrier for online science popularization in Spanish. If you speak the language and love Science, I greatly encourage you to add it to your bookmarks. In particular, I am a big (BIG) fan ...
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Turing machines and the busy beavers

May 16, 2022 | R on BitFoam

For years I have been an avid reader of the Science website Naukas. The website is a carrier for online science popularization in Spanish. If you speak the language and love Science, I greatly encourage you to add it to your bookmarks. In particular, I am a big (BIG) fan ...
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