Articles by R on Amit Levinson

R vs Python — Live Stream Analysis

June 1, 2022 | R on Amit Levinson

A few months ago Tal Mizrachi (The famous Analysis Paralysis) & I live streamed an R vs Python data analysis session (in Hebrew). We took the dogs of Zurich dataset, formatted it a bit, added a random DOB column and wrote down a few questions we answered during the live stream, ...
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My year in R

October 14, 2020 | R on Amit Levinson

Image by Allison Horst Learning R for a little over a year now was and still is a great experience. But a year isn’t a lot, so why make a blog post about it? I believe that pausing what one is doing and periodically evaluating if this pursuit is ... [Read more...]

My year in R

October 14, 2020 | R on Amit Levinson

Image by Allison Horst Learning R for a little over a year now was and still is a great experience. But a year isn’t a lot, so why make a blog post about it? I believe that pausing what one is doing and periodically evaluating if this pursuit is ... [Read more...]

My year in R

October 14, 2020 | R on Amit Levinson

Image by Allison Horst Learning R for a little over a year now was and still is a great experience. But a year isn’t a lot, so why make a blog post about it? I believe that pausing what one is doing and periodically evaluating if this pursuit is ... [Read more...]

My year in R

October 14, 2020 | R on Amit Levinson

Image by Allison Horst Learning R for a little over a year now was and still is a great experience. But a year isn’t a lot, so why make a blog post about it? I believe that pausing what one is doing and periodically evaluating if this pursuit is ... [Read more...]

Learning Tfidf with Political Theorists

May 30, 2020 | R on Amit Levinson

Thanks to Almog Simchon for insightful comments on a first draft of this post. Introduction Learning R for the past nine months or so has enabled me to explore new topics that are of interest to me, one of them being text analysis. In this post I’ll explain what ...
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