Articles by R | msperlin

Update of compiled datasets (2022)

April 6, 2022 | R | msperlin

Back in 2020 I started to compile and share financial data in dataverse. The data covers corporate finance events from the DFP and FRE systems. The available tables are the same I use for my research and teaching material, and will be updated once a... [Read more...]

Update of compiled datasets (2022)

April 6, 2022 | R | msperlin

Back in 2020 I started to compile and share financial data in dataverse. The data covers corporate finance events from the DFP and FRE systems. The available tables are the same I use for my research and teaching material, and will be updated once a... [Read more...]

New R package yfR

March 30, 2022 | R | msperlin

Package BatchGetSymbols facilitates importation of Yahoo Finance data directly into R and is one of my most popular R packages, with over 100k installations since conception (around 2500 downloads per month). However, I developed BatchGetSymbols back in 2016, with many bad structural choices from my part. For years I wanted to improved ...
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New R package yfR

March 30, 2022 | R | msperlin

Package BatchGetSymbols facilitates importation of Yahoo Finance data directly into R and is one of my most popular R packages, with over 100k installations since conception (around 2500 downloads per month). However, I developed BatchGetSymbols back in 2016, with many bad structural choices from my part. For years I wanted to improved ... [Read more...]

A shiny interface to BatchGetSymbols

May 25, 2021 | R | msperlin

Hadley Wickham recently released an online version of Mastering Shiny. The book is great! If you haven’t read it, do it fast! On a side note, it is really amazing how much of good and curated content you can get for free in R. When I started progra... [Read more...]

A shiny interface to BatchGetSymbols

May 25, 2021 | R | msperlin

Hadley Wickham recently released an online version of Mastering Shiny. The book is great! If you haven’t read it, do it fast! On a side note, it is really amazing how much of good and curated content you can get for free in R. When I started progra... [Read more...]

Update of compiled datasets

April 8, 2021 | R | msperlin

Back in 2020 I started to compile and share financial data in dataverse. The data covers corporate finance events from the DFP and FRE systems. The available tables are the same I use for my research and teaching material, and will be updated once ... [Read more...]

Update of compiled datasets

April 8, 2021 | R | msperlin

Back in 2020 I started to compile and share financial data in dataverse. The data covers corporate finance events from the DFP and FRE systems. The available tables are the same I use for my research and teaching material, and will be updated once ... [Read more...]

GetFREData available in CRAN!

April 5, 2021 | R | msperlin

I’m happy to report that package GetFREData is now available in CRAN. This R package serves as an interface to all corporate datasets available in the FRE system, a vast and official repository of information about many different corporate events. All companies listed at B3 – Brazilian stock exchange – must ... [Read more...]

GetFREData available in CRAN!

April 5, 2021 | R | msperlin

I’m happy to report that package GetFREData is now available in CRAN. This R package serves as an interface to all corporate datasets available in the FRE system, a vast and official repository of information about many different corporate events. All companies listed at B3 – Brazilian stock exchange – must ... [Read more...]

GetDFPData2 available in CRAN!

April 1, 2021 | R | msperlin

After testing the package extensivelly, GetDFPData2 is finally available in CRAN. GetDFPData2 is the second and backwards incompatible version of GetDPFData, a R package for downloading annual financial reports from B3, the Brazilian financial exchange. Unlike its first iteration, GetDFPData2 imports data using a database of csv files from CVM, ... [Read more...]

GetDFPData2 available in CRAN!

April 1, 2021 | R | msperlin

After testing the package extensivelly, GetDFPData2 is finally available in CRAN. GetDFPData2 is the second and backwards incompatible version of GetDPFData, a R package for downloading annual financial reports from B3, the Brazilian financial exchange. Unlike its first iteration, GetDFPData2 imports data using a database of csv files from CVM, ... [Read more...]

A clever bash script for R Users

March 22, 2021 | R | msperlin

Back in 2017 I wrote a blog post describing a simple bash script for installing R in a Ubuntu setup. The problem with this script, and many others found in the internet, is that they quickly become obsolete due to changes in Ubuntu, R and RStudio. ... [Read more...]

A clever bash script for R Users

March 22, 2021 | R | msperlin

Back in 2017 I wrote a blog post describing a simple bash script for installing R in a Ubuntu setup. The problem with this script, and many others found in the internet, is that they quickly become obsolete due to changes in Ubuntu, R and RStudio. ... [Read more...]

bookdown + exams + webex

March 17, 2021 | R | msperlin

It’s been three years since I’ve been using package bookdown for compiling and distributing three different books in Amazon and the web. It helped me greatly in all my book projects and I’m always grateful to Yihui Xie for providing such a useful t... [Read more...]

bookdown + exams + webex

March 17, 2021 | R | msperlin

It’s been three years since I’ve been using package bookdown for compiling and distributing three different books in Amazon and the web. It helped me greatly in all my book projects and I’m always grateful to Yihui Xie for providing such a useful t... [Read more...]
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