Articles by R | datawookie

Durban EDGE DataQuest

November 12, 2019 | R | datawookie

The Durban EDGE (Economic Development and Growth in eThekwini) DataQuest was held at UKZN (Westville Campus) on 13 November 2019. Participants were tasked with creating something interesting and useful with the civic data on the new Durban EDGE Open Data Portal developed by Open Data Durban. These datasets were available: EThekwini Water ...
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Durban EDGE DataQuest

November 12, 2019 | R | datawookie

The Durban EDGE (Economic Development and Growth in eThekwini) DataQuest was held at UKZN (Westville Campus) on 13 November 2019. Participants were tasked with creating something interesting and useful with the civic data on the new Durban EDGE Open Da...
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An API for @racently

November 11, 2019 | R | datawookie

@racently is a side project that I have been nursing along for a couple of years. It addresses a problem that I have as a runner: my race results are distributed across a variety of web sites. This makes it difficult to create a single view on my runni...
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An API for @racently

November 11, 2019 | R | datawookie

@racently is a side project that I have been nursing along for a couple of years. It addresses a problem that I have as a runner: my race results are distributed across a variety of web sites. This makes it difficult to create a single view on my running performance (...
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Scraping Machinery Parts

November 10, 2019 | R | datawookie

I’ve been exploring the feasibility of aggregating data on prices of replacement parts for heavy machinery. There are a number of websites which list this sort of data. I’m focusing on the static sites for the moment. I’m using are R with {rvest} (and a few other ...
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Scraping Machinery Parts

November 10, 2019 | R | datawookie

I’ve been exploring the feasibility of aggregating data on prices of replacement parts for heavy machinery. There are a number of websites which list this sort of data. I’m focusing on the static sites for the moment. I’m using are R ...
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Installing Prophet on CentOS

November 3, 2019 | R | datawookie

I’ve been struggling to get the {prophet} package to install on two RHEL 7 systems. Since I only have intermittent access to those systems I opted to use a local install of CentOS as a proxy environment. These instructions work for CentOS and sho...
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Installing Prophet on CentOS

November 3, 2019 | R | datawookie

I’ve been struggling to get the {prophet} package to install on two RHEL 7 systems. Since I only have intermittent access to those systems I opted to use a local install of CentOS as a proxy environment. These instructions work for CentOS and should generalise to RHEL too. Setting Up ... [Read more...]

Private Security and the Pareto Principle

October 15, 2019 | R | datawookie

Private Security is a big industry in South Africa. Most Private Security companies promise to provide a rapid response to every callout generated by any of their customers. There is a delicate balance between the number of response vehicles and the nu...
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All Roads Lead to Rome

July 28, 2019 | R | datawookie

I was inspired by this visualisation, showing the optimal routes (by car) from the geographic centre of the USA to all counties. The proverb “All Roads Lead to Rome” immediately came to mind and I set out to hack together something along t...
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Comrades Marathon (2019) Splits

June 30, 2019 | R | datawookie

I’m looking at ways to effectively visualise the splits data for the 2019 edition of the Comrades Marathon. My objectives are to provide: an overall view of the splits across the entire field and a detailed view for individual runners (relative ...
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Comrades Marathon (2019) Start Delay

June 14, 2019 | R | datawookie

How long does it take to cross the start line at the Comrades Marathon? If you’re lucky enough to be starting in one of the batches which is close to the front then this might be a matter of seconds to a couple of minutes. But if you’re ...
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A Shiny Comrades Marathon Pacing App

June 3, 2019 | R | datawookie

The Comrades Marathon is an epic ultramarathon run each year between Durban and Pietermaritzburg (South Africa). A few years ago I put together a simple spreadsheet for generating a Comrades Marathon pacing strategy. But the spreadsheet was clunky to u...
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emayili: Sending Email from R

May 26, 2019 | R | datawookie

At Exegetic we do a lot of automated reporting with R. Being able to easily and reliably send emails is a high priority. There is already a selection of packages for sending email from R: {mailR} {gmailr} {blastula} {blatr} (Windows) {mail} and {send...
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Setting up an R Admin Group

April 10, 2019 | R | datawookie

When I set up an R server for clients they often want to be able to install packages so that all users on the machine have access to them. This requires them to be able to install the packages onto the root filesystem rather that under their individual home directories. ... [Read more...]

Installing RStudio & Shiny Servers

November 12, 2018 | R | datawookie

I did a remote install of Ubuntu Server today. This was somewhat novel because it’s the first time that I have not had physical access to the machine I was installing on. The server install went very smoothly indeed. The next tasks were to install RStudio Server and Shiny ... [Read more...]
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