Articles by R - datawookie

Upgrading R

January 24, 2022 | R - datawookie

This is the recipe I use to upgrade R on a Linux box. It’s something that I do fairly frequently on fresh EC2 instances. Remove Old R Check for existing R package. dpkg -l | grep -E "(r-base-core|cran)" Remove existing R installation. sudo apt-get purge -y r-base-core Check again ...
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{emayili} Message Templates

January 20, 2022 | R - datawookie

Services like Mailchimp and MailerLite make it easy to create stylish email campaigns. Their templating tools allow you to create elegant HTML messages which are personalised to the recipient. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could do something similar when sending emails from R? Well, with the latest version ...
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{emayili} Sending Email from Shiny

January 19, 2022 | R - datawookie

The {emayili} package for sending emails from R works well within a Shiny app. You just need to set it up right. I’ve added a simple demonstration script to the latest version of {emayili}. You’ll find it in the inst/shiny/send-message directory. Setup Probably the easiest way ...
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{emayili} HTML Messages with Images

January 11, 2022 | R - datawookie

No two email clients are equal. Nowhere is this more true than in the way that they treat images in HTML messages. Some clients are fairly permissive. Thunderbird, for example, will happily display images in an HTML message if the images are included in any of the following ways: a ...
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{emayili} Sending Encrypted Email

December 6, 2021 | R - datawookie

In a previous post I documented what I had learned while trying to understand the structure of encrypted emails. I then took an informal Twitter poll to gauge how many people are using encrypted email messages. library(tweetrmd) tweet_screenshot(tweet_url("datawookie", "1464960543723339777")) -- It’s by no means a ...
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{emayili} Sending Encrypted Email

December 1, 2021 | R - datawookie

In a previous post I documented what I had learned while trying to understand the structure of encrypted emails. I then took an informal Twitter poll to gauge how many people are using encrypted email messages. library(tweetrmd) tweet_screenshot(tweet_url("datawookie", "1464960543723339777")) -- It’s by no means a ...
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{filebin} Quick & Easy File Sharing

November 17, 2021 | R - datawookie

At Fathom Data we have a number of workflows that require us to share various bits of data for a short time. The data are not sensitive, so we can freely share them. We have been doing this manually via platforms like Google Drive, Box or Dropbox. However we need ...
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{filebin} Quick & Easy File Sharing

November 17, 2021 | R - datawookie

At Fathom Data we have a number of workflows that require us to share various bits of data for a short time. The data are not sensitive, so we can freely share them. We have been doing this manually via platforms like Google Drive, Box or Dropbox. However we need ...
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{binance} P2P Trades

November 9, 2021 | R - datawookie

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) cryptocurrency trading refers to trades that occur directly between two parties without a central authority (like an exchange) being involved. It’s possible to execute P2P trades using a Binance account. You’d start by browsing the listings of adverts. Suppose, for example, that you wanted ...
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{binance} Spot Trading: Liquidity

November 7, 2021 | R - datawookie

In previous posts we looked at creating market orders and limit orders with {binance}. We saw a couple of successful trades. However, sometimes trades are not successful and the orders are not filled. Let’s try to understand why. The setup will be the same as the previous posts and ...
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{binance} Spot Trading: Limit Orders

November 4, 2021 | R - datawookie

In the previous post we looked at creating market orders on Binance using the {binance} package. Today we’re going to dig into limit orders. Market Orders & Limit Orders What’s the difference between a market order and a limit order? I’m so glad you asked. In the BTC/...
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{binance} Spot Trading: Market Orders

October 31, 2021 | R - datawookie

Functionality for working with spot trades is now available in {binance}. In this post we’ll establish some background on spot trading and then explore some of the spot trading functions in {binance}. Setup First we’ll load the package. library(binance) packageVersion("binance") [1] ‘0.0.3’ We’ll be using the Binance ...
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{binance} Dealing with Dust

October 26, 2021 | R - datawookie

Dust refers to the fragments of coins which are too small to use for transactions. In the fiat world the equivalent would be those worthless coins with too little value to actually buy anything, that take up space in your wallet and end up scattered across parking areas. Binance allows ...
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{binance} Tracking Total Account Balance

October 25, 2021 | R - datawookie

I started dabbling in crypto trading on Binance at the beginning of September 2021. I am really impressed with the interface, which is smooth and full featured (if perhaps a little complicated and confusing!). One of the things that has frustrated me though is not being able to get an idea ...
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HCRIS Field Labels

October 18, 2021 | R - datawookie

Fathom Data has been doing a lot of work with the HCRIS (Healthcare Cost Report Information System) data. The underlying reports are submitted as a spreadsheet with multiple sheets. The data are then extracted and recorded in a simple tabular format, with each field linked to a worksheet code (wksht_...
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{emayili} Message Threads

October 17, 2021 | R - datawookie

Being able to view related messages as threads is really useful. To make this possible, messages must use either the In-Reply-To or References header field to link to the Message-ID from another message. This is now possible in {emayili}. library(emayili) options(envelope.details = TRUE) options(envelope.invisible = FALSE) packageVersion("...
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{emayili} Support for Gmail, SendGrid & Mailgun

October 14, 2021 | R - datawookie

The {emayili} package supports configuring a generic SMTP server via the server() function. In the most recent version, v0.6.5, we add three new functions, gmail(), sendgrid() and mailgun(), which provide specific support for Gmail, SendGrid and Mailgun. library(emayili) options(envelope.details = TRUE) options(envelope.invisible = FALSE) packageVersion("emayili") [1] '0.6.5...
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{emayili} Message Precedence

October 5, 2021 | R - datawookie

Sometimes you need to have a message delivered immediately. Other times it doesn’t matter when it’s delivered. Similarly, you might want the recipient to read a message right now! Or you may not really care when they read it. To address both of these scenarios I have added ...
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{emayili} Message Integrity

October 4, 2021 | R - datawookie

How can you be sure that the contents of an email haven’t been tampered with? The best approach would probably be to have a digital signature on each component of the message. Perhaps I’ll look at integrating that into {emayili} some time in the future. However, today I’...
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