Articles by R | Adi Sarid

Assessing relationships with correlograms

December 21, 2023 | R | Adi Sarid

We often find ourselves with a complex dataset containing numerous variables. One of the initial steps in the discovery phase - the initial analysis where you get familiar with the data - is using correlations to understand the relationships between the variables. A good tool for getting a quick glimpse ...
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Insights from Posit::conf(2023)

September 28, 2023 | R | Adi Sarid

I’ve been attending posit::conf since 2019 (when it was still called rstudio::conf), and this year was no different. I really like the keynotes, talks, the community, meeting like minded data science, and R/Python enthusiasts. In this blog post we’l... [Read more...]

Some takeaways from rstudio::conf 2022

July 30, 2022 | R | Adi Sarid

Last week I participated in the annual RStudio conference which took place in Washington DC. As always, a great experience, with a lot of hex stickers. (Me at rstudio::conf2022, with a background of a hex stickers wall) Here are some of my takea...
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Some takeaways from rstudio::conf 2022

July 30, 2022 | R | Adi Sarid

Last week I participated in the annual RStudio conference which took place in Washington DC. As always, a great experience, with a lot of hex stickers. (Me at rstudio::conf2022, with a background of a hex stickers wall) Here are some of my takea...
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