Articles by Quantargo Blog

Launch of New Course Platform

April 20, 2020 | Quantargo Blog

Launch of New Course Platform After months of hard work we are really excited to launch our brand-new course platform to learn and apply data science. Together with the new platform we also developed the first new course Introduction to R which is ava...
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Create your first bar chart

February 11, 2020 | Quantargo Blog

Create your first bar chart using geom_col() Fill bars with color using the fill aesthetic ggplot(___) + geom_col( mapping = aes(x = ___, y = ___, fill = ___) ) Introduction to bar charts Bar charts visualize numeric valu...
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ViennaR Meetup March – Impressions

April 10, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

Introduction For all who couldn’t make it to our last ViennaR Meetup on March 18, 2019 at Webster Vienna Private University here just a short summary of the talks and takeaways. The Introduction covered a short history of the ViennaR Meetup and the ...
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ViennaR Meetup March – Impressions

April 10, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

For all who couldn’t make it to our last ViennaR Meetup on March 18, 2019 at Webster Vienna Private University here just a short summary of the talks and takeaways. Introduction The Introduction covered a short history of the ViennaR Meetup and t...
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ViennaR Meetup March – Impressions

April 10, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

Introduction For all who couldn’t make it to our last ViennaR Meetup on March 18, 2019 at Webster Vienna Private University here just a short summary of the talks and takeaways. The Introduction covered a short history of the ViennaR Meetup and the ...
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ViennaR Meetup Announcement March 2019

February 24, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

ViennaR Meetup Announcement March 2019 For the next ViennaR Meetup on March 18 we are excited to announce Laura Vana (R-Ladies) and Hadley Wickham (RStudio). The meetup will take place at Webster Vienna Private University ( Regis...
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ViennaR Meetup Announcement March 2019

February 24, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

ViennaR Meetup Announcement March 2019 For the next ViennaR Meetup on March 18 we are excited to announce Laura Vana (R-Ladies) and Hadley Wickham (RStudio). The meetup will take place at Webster Vienna Private University ( Regis...
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ViennaR Meetup Announcement March 2019

February 23, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

For the next ViennaR Meetup on March 18 we are excited to announce Laura Vana (R-Ladies) and Hadley Wickham (RStudio). The meetup will take place at Webster Vienna Private University ( Registration is required at the Meetup Page: Feel free to join ...
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ViennaR Meetup Announcement March 2019

February 23, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

For the next ViennaR Meetup on March 18 we are excited to announce Laura Vana (R-Ladies) and Hadley Wickham (RStudio). The meetup will take place at Webster Vienna Private University ( Registration is required at the Meetup Page: Feel free to join ...
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Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

Why Management Loves Overfitting The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud d...
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Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud detection. Trained models should... [Read more...]

Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

Why Management Loves Overfitting The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud d...
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Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud detection. Trained models should... [Read more...]

Let’s play together: Collaborative Data Science

September 18, 2018 | Quantargo Blog

From experience we’ve learned that most data science projects are not truly collaborative efforts but only driven by a few key players. Best (public) examples are most open source R and Python packages available on Github. However, collaboration of data science teams can be the determining factor driving innovation ...
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Let’s play together: Collaborative Data Science

September 18, 2018 | Quantargo Blog

From experience we’ve learned that most data science projects are not truly collaborative efforts but only driven by a few key players. Best (public) examples are most open source R and Python packages available on Github. However, collaboration of data science teams can be the determining factor driving innovation ...
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