Articles by Posts on

Apply family functions – Part 1

September 28, 2020 | Posts on

The apply family functions belong to the R base package, they are especially useful when combining their use with functions to manipulate pieces of matrices, arrays, lists and data frames. These functions allow you to cross data in multiple ways to a... [Read more...]

apply family functions – Part 4

March 1, 2020 | Posts on

eapply function Using environments In R, an Environment is a site to assign variables or values that we assign to objects. Each time a new R session begins, all created objects stay in the global environment. If we create the object x, it will then... [Read more...]

apply family functions – Part 3

December 8, 2019 | Posts on

In this new post about the apply family functions, we’ll show some examples of three new functions: lapply(), sapply(), and vapply(). These functions generally works with objects of class list; however, other variants can work with vectors. Suppose n... [Read more...]

Apply family functions – Part 2

July 31, 2019 | Posts on

In this second part of the post series on the apply family of functions, it is the tapply() function. Unlike the apply () function discussed in the first post, the tapply() function is often used to apply a function to subsets of a vector. Usually, w... [Read more...]

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