Articles by pmur002

2016-12 ‘DOM’ Version 0.2

September 13, 2016 | pmur002

This report describes changes in version 0.2 of the ‘DOM’ package for R. Version 0.1 of ‘DOM’ allowed HTML content to be added to a web page (or removed or modified); version 0.2 adds the ability to append SVG content … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2016-11 The Butterfly Affectation

August 30, 2016 | pmur002

This report documents a variety of approaches to including an external vector image within an R plot. The image presents particular challenges because it contains features that are not natively supported by the R graphics system, which makes it hard … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2016-11 The Butterfly Affectation

August 30, 2016 | pmur002

This report documents a variety of approaches to including an external vector image within an R plot. The image presents particular challenges because it contains features that are not natively supported by the R graphics system, which makes it hard fo... [Read more...]

2016-10 A transformable markup document format

July 28, 2016 | pmur002

Many technologies now exist for writing a document in a format that can be transformed into various output formats for sharing. This report proposes that using markup, rather than one of the Markdown languages, is a good fit for writing flexible human- and machine-readable transformable documents. We propose a transformable ... [Read more...]

2016-10 A transformable markup document format

July 28, 2016 | pmur002

Many technologies now exist for writing a document in a format that can be transformed into various output formats for sharing. This report proposes that using markup, rather than one of the Markdown languages, is a good fit for writing … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2016-09 An Introduction to the ‘DOM’ Package

July 26, 2016 | pmur002

The ‘DOM’ package for R provides functions to dynamically manipulate the content of a web page that is being viewed within a web browser. The package provides an R interface that is analogous to the DOM (Document Object Model) functions … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2016-03 Importing the New R Logo

February 16, 2016 | pmur002

The R project has a new logo (shown below). On his blog, Bob Rudis showed how to draw the new R logo as part of an R plot. The purpose of this report is demonstrate an alternative way to draw … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2016-02 Debugging Display List Internals

February 15, 2016 | pmur002

This report documents the process of debugging a problem with the recording and replaying of R plots from one R session to another. The purpose of this report is to record the source of the problem, to record the solution … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2015-06 A ‘safemode’ Package for R

December 2, 2015 | pmur002

The ‘safemode’ package provides a safemode() function that creates a “safe mode” session in R. In “safe mode”, all symbols have an “age” (a last-modified time stamp) and a set of dependent symbols, and a warning is issued whenever a … Continue reading → [Read more...]

The gridGraphics Package (2014-03)

November 25, 2014 | pmur002

The gridGraphics package provides a function, grid.echo(), that can be used to convert a plot drawn with the graphics package to the same result drawn using grid. This provides access to a variety of grid tools for making customisations and … Continue reading → [Read more...]

2014-02 Invertible Reproducible Documents

September 4, 2014 | pmur002

Reproducible documents provide an efficient way to produce reports by automatically generating content from code chunks within the report. The processing of a source document, that contains code chunks, to a final document, that contains automatically-generated content, is typically one … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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