Articles by Peter's stats stuff - R

Sampling distribution of Gini coefficient

September 11, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

Inequality measures Part of my motivation for importing the New Zealand Income Survey(NZIS) simulated unit record file provided by Statistics New Zealand was to explore the characteristics of various measures of inequality. In particular, I’m interested in what happens to the sampling distributions as sample size changes of ... [Read more...]

Transforming the breaks to match a scale

September 6, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

Something missing In my last post I developed a new scale transformation for R using the approach and platform from the {ggplot2} and {scales}. I implemented a method proposed in 1980 by John and Draper that does some of the job of a logarithmic transform in reducing the dominance on the ... [Read more...]

Creating a scale transformation

September 4, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

A better transformation than my better transformation In an earlier post I put forward the idea of a modulus power transform - basically the square root (or other similar power transformation) of the absolute value of a variable like income, followed by restoring the sign to it. The idea is ... [Read more...]

Importing the New Zealand Income Survey SURF

August 14, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

The quest for income microdata For a separate project, I've been looking for source data on income and wealth inequality. Not aggregate data like Gini coefficients or the percentage of income earned by the bottom 20% or top 1%, but the sources used to calculate those things. Because it's sensitve personal financial ... [Read more...]

Simulating backgammon players’ Elo ratings

August 6, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

Probabilities of winning with a given rating Backgammon clubs and on-line forums use a modified form of the Elo rating system to keep track of how well individuals have played and draw inferences about their underlying strength. The higher the rating, the stronger the player. Players with higher ratings are ... [Read more...]

New Zealand Data & APIs on GitHub

July 31, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

New data listing for New Zealand Wellington’s PrototypeAlex has created a new GitHub repository aiming to list data about New Zealand. My first reaction was “hmm, will this be an improvement?” After all, we already have which is meant to be the definitive aggregator of government ... [Read more...]
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