Articles by Peter's stats stuff - R

X13-SEATS-ARIMA as an automated forecasting tool

December 20, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

The M3 forecasting competition The M3 forecasting competition in 2000, organized by Spyros Makridakis and Michele Hibon, tested a variety of methods against 3,003 time series, with forecasts compared to held out test sets. The data are conveniently available for R users in the Mcomp package and Rob Hyndman has published example ... [Read more...]

Create ARIMA time series from bottom up

November 20, 2015 | Peter's stats stuff - R

Simulating ARIMA models Generating an arbitrary Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model is easy in R with the arima.sim() function that is part of the built-in {stats} package. In fact I've done it extensively in previous blog posts for various illustrative purposes. But one cost of doing this for ... [Read more...]
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