Articles by Peter Prevos

Mapping the Ancient World: A Digital Odyssey through Ptolemy’s Geography

November 16, 2023 | Peter Prevos

In the chronicles of cartographic history, few works have captivated the imagination, such as Claudius Ptolemy's "Geography". This monumental second-century creation is the oldest fully preserved theoretical treatise on cartography, written almost 2000 years ago. This article discusses Mapping Ptolemy's Geography with ggplot2. His cartography is not just a collection of ...
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Project Euler 7: 10,001st Prime Number

September 9, 2023 | Peter Prevos

Project Euler 7 delves into the wonderful world of prime numbers. These numbers are interesting because they don't follow a predictable pattern. There is no algorithm to calculate primes, which is what makes them valuable in cryptography. As the numbers get larger, the gaps between consecutive primes also increase. There are, ...
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Generate H-Fractals using ggplot

June 3, 2021 | Peter Prevos

A fractal is a geometric figure in which the same pattern repeats infinitely at an ever-smaller scale. One of the most simple examples is the H-Fractal. You construct a H-Fractal by starting with the line segments that resemble the capital letter H...
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Cheesecake Diagrams: Pie Charts with a Different Flavour

August 4, 2020 | Peter Prevos

Part of my job at a regional water utility involves visualising operational data. We manage water and sewerage services for a large number of small and medium-sized towns in regional Victoria (Australia). Traditionally, performance reports consist of extensive tables filled with numbers with a line for each city. To make ...
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GEDCOM Reader for the R Language: Analysing Family History

July 20, 2019 | Peter Prevos

Understanding who you are is strongly related to understanding your family history. Discovering ancestors is now a popular hobby, as many archives are available on the internet. The GEDCOM format provides a standardised way to store information about ancestors. This article shows how to develop a GEDCOM reader using the ...
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GEDCOM Reader for the R Language: Analysing Family History

July 20, 2019 | Peter Prevos

Understanding who you are is strongly related to understanding your family history. Discovering ancestors is now a popular hobby, as many archives are available on the internet. The GEDCOM format provides a standardised way to store information about ancestors. This article shows how to develop a GEDCOM reader using the ...
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Digital Water Utility Competencies: R for Water Professionals

June 17, 2019 | Peter Prevos

The digital water utility is a fashionable catchphrase in the water industry. Managing reliable water services requires not only a sufficient volume of water but also significant amounts of data. Water professionals continuously measure the flow and quality of the water and how customers perceive their service. Water professionals analyse ...
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Analyse Site Structure networks with R and igraph

April 8, 2019 | Peter Prevos

One of the essential parts of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a logical site structure. Site structure relates to how the pages of a website link to each other. A well-designed structure of internal links improves the user's experience. It also helps web crawlers to find their way through the ...
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Decode Lyrics in Pop Music with the Songsim algorithm

March 22, 2019 | Peter Prevos

Music is an inherently mathematical form of art. Ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras was the first to describe the logic of the scales that form melody and harmony. Numbers can also represent the rhythm of the music. Even the lyrics have a mathematical structure. Poets structure syllables and repeat words to ...
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