Articles by Paul Stevenson

How Do You Organise Your R Project? This Is What We Do.

July 24, 2019 | Paul Stevenson

The Biometrics group at Telethon Kids Institute uses a standardised template project directory to manage our biostatistical consultation projects. This approach allows us to streamline our workflow, initiate projects, and produce professional looking reports directly from the statistical analysis platform minimising the time spent on the non-analytical aspects of our ...
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Deploying an R Shiny App With Docker

February 8, 2019 | Paul Stevenson

If you haven’t heard of Docker, it is a system that allows projects to be split into discrete units (i.e. containers) that each operate within their own virtual environment. Each container has a blueprint written in its Dockerfile that describes all of the operating parameters including operating system ... [Read more...]

Automating R-markdown Tables With Hooks

January 15, 2019 | Paul Stevenson

KableExtra was chosen as the primary way to format tabulated data in the HTML R markdown templates used at Telethon Kids Institute, see the Biometrics R package and this article. I like the tables produced by kableExtra: they look tidy and the package has a feature that highlights table rows ...
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