Articles by Paolo Pellizzari

Io, ChatGPT e Lorenza

May 8, 2023 | Paolo Pellizzari

Secca come una fucilata: ``Ma tu non hai paura che ChatGPT ti rubi il posto di lavoro?''Sento una lievissima fitta agli addominali, è colpa evidentemente della panca bassa che abbiamo fatto stamattina a yoga, ma significa anche che la domanda mi ha fat...
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Complex coloring and contour levels

January 5, 2020 | Paolo Pellizzari

I was recently fascinated by the illustration taken from the leaflet knew that complex functions could be colored in mesmerizing ways but the little book by Julie Barnes, William Kreahling, and Beth Schaubroeck, “Coloring book of ...
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Complex coloring and contour levels

January 5, 2020 | Paolo Pellizzari

I was recently fascinated by the illustration taken from the leaflet knew that complex functions could be colored in mesmerizing ways but the little book by Julie Barnes, William Kreahling, and Beth Schaubroeck, “Coloring book of ...
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Non-linear dynamics and chaos using R (1)

December 3, 2016 | Paolo Pellizzari

I have been teaching the course "Mathematics" for the PhD students at Ca' Foscari University for a few years. In the lectures I cover some "scattered" material that may prove useful, sooner or later, to develop quantitative models in Economics. One of the weeks of the course is devoted to ...
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MOOC "Take lineaR decisions" (Ca’ Foscari University)

August 22, 2016 | Paolo Pellizzari

The MOOC "Take lineaR decisions" will begin on September 19th 2016, covering some models of decision making mainly based on computational linear algebra (linear systems and eigenvalues/vectors). The course, delivered by prof. Paolo Pellizzari, can be used to acquire practical skills in the use of the open software R in ...
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Nonlinear constraints with a modified constrOptim

September 7, 2015 | Paolo Pellizzari

I often use constrOptim to quickly solve nonlinear optimization problems. constrOptim works well as a general tool to tackle constrained problems like\[\min_{Ax -b \geq0} f(x)\]  There are many other options and packages for specific problems but constrOptim is likely to be the first choice when little is ... [Read more...]

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