Articles by Oscar

10 new books added to Big Book of R

July 20, 2021 | Oscar

21 July 2021 In this post I’m highlighting 10 new books added to Big Book of R. Thank you to the authors for writing them and thanks to R Posts you might have missed who I got a bunch of these from. Hiring Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers Roy … The post 10 ...
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9 new R books added ???

June 18, 2021 | Oscar

This is the first time I’m writing up a blog post to summarise new books that have been added to Big Book Of R. I’ll keep doing so in future! A quick thank you to @LeganaFingerfut for adding R for Health Data Science, and to @RCoderWeb for adding ...
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Big Book of R has over 200 books!

May 30, 2021 | Oscar

Way back in August 2020, I launched Big Book of R, a collection of free (and some paid) R programming books organised by categories like Geospatial, Statistics, Packages and many more. What started off as a 100 book collection has now grown to over 200 :D! Anyway, I felt was … The post Big ...
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A real-world, messy dataset to practice on

April 28, 2021 | Oscar

At some point you may be looking for a “real world” dataset to practice analysis on or to give to students. The value of such data is that it gives analysts a chance to develop skills they need for their work, but are hard to master when given “clean” datasets, … ...
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Hiring a data analyst

March 10, 2021 | Oscar

In late 2020 I was hiring for a data analyst role. We were looking for someone with domain expertise, R and some SQL if possible. That alone is a long wishlist ;). Originally this post started as a twitter thread which you can find a link to at the end. These … The ...
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First thoughts on a community-driven R learning platform

August 14, 2020 | Oscar

I’ve been mulling over some things. I hope that by sharing them, it will spark some inspiration for others. I think R needs a good, comprehensive and curated learning platform. Ever since you-know-who did you-know-what and then the leadership proceeded to shoot themselves in both feet, and after running ...
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A roadmap for getting started with R

May 5, 2020 | Oscar

Some folks at work expressed an interest in how to get started learning R. There are lots of resources out there, but I thought I’d share with you what I shared with them as a pathway that I followed that’s working out well for me. You don’t ...
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