Articles by Open Analytics

Getting started with Crane

March 3, 2025 | Open Analytics

As the Common Crane (Grus grus) is migrating back to their breeding area, it’s time to set up your own Crane server. Crane is a new open source product to host data science artifacts: data analysis reports, documentation sites, packages and libr...
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Crane 1.0.0 released!

February 4, 2025 | Open Analytics

Publishing is an integral part of the data analysis process. Whether it’s in the form of code, reports or technical documentation, at some point artifacts need to be shared. More often than not, such artifacts are confidential and their access n...
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ShinyProxy 3.1.0

May 7, 2024 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy 3.1.0 Last year we released a major update of ShinyProxy, bringing High Availability, Scaling, App parameters, improved integration with Kubernetes and much more. Today’s release goes even further, brining Pre-Initialization, Containe... [Read more...]

ShinyProxy 3.0.0

March 2, 2023 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy 3.0.0 Today we release version 3.0.0 of ShinyProxy, providing improvements on all aspects of using and deploying ShinyProxy. ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Nevert...
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ShinyProxy 2.6.0

November 8, 2021 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy 2.6.0 Today we release version 2.6.0 of ShinyProxy which includes over forty improvements. ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Nevertheless, ShinyProxy is also an exce...
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Serverless Fan-Out in Vaccine Research

March 11, 2021 | Open Analytics

Serverless Fan-Out in Vaccine Research Discovering new vaccines involves intensive data science: the 3D structure and shape of viruses need to be matched to the 3D structure of hundreds of thousands of proteins that can potentially bind on the virus s... [Read more...]

Kustomize Best Practices

February 23, 2021 | Open Analytics

Introduction In recent years, Kubernetes has become a renowned solution for orchestrating cloud-independent infrastructure. Open Analytics supports the data analysis process end to end. This includes infrastructure that underpins the data science plat... [Read more...]

Trends Gazelle 2021

February 16, 2021 | Open Analytics

Open Analytics nominated as a Trends Gazelle 2021 The ‘Trends Gazelles’ is an annual award organised by the leading Belgian financial and economic news magazine Trends. The nomination was not sought. It fell in our letter box. No slick sal... [Read more...]

Phaedra 1.0.9

February 9, 2021 | Open Analytics

High Content Screening Phaedra is a 100% open source platform for data capture and analysis of high-content screening data. It offers functionality to import image data from any source assess your data with industry’s richest toolbox improve da... [Read more...]

RDepot 1.4.3

February 2, 2021 | Open Analytics

100% Open Source Enterprise Management of R Repositories RDepot is a solution for the management of R package repositories in an enterprise environment. It allows to submit packages through a user interface or API and to automatically update and publi... [Read more...]

ShinyProxy 2.4.0

October 12, 2020 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Full Kubernetes Support One of the main advantages of ShinyProxy is the use of plugable container back-ends which allows people to use ShinyPr... [Read more...]

ShinyProxy 2.2.0

March 24, 2019 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Secured Embedding of Shiny Apps Since version 2.0.1 ShinyProxy provides a REST API to manage (launch, shut down) Shiny apps and consume the content programmatically inside broader web applications or portals. This allows to ... [Read more...]

ShinyProxy 2.2.2

March 24, 2019 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. CPU / Memory constraints for apps internet facing apps already had old memory, now all options autoscaling etc. Secrets management example Daan exposing Kubernetes Miscellaneous improvements long wait time, underlying Kubernetes client useR!2019 tutorial ... [Read more...]

ShinyProxy Christmas Release

December 23, 2018 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Since our previous blog post five releases took place, so it is time to provide the ‘state of affairs’ before venturing into the New Year. Kerberos and Co To some Kerberos is a ... [Read more...]

ShinyProxy 2.0.1 is out!

August 7, 2018 | Open Analytics

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Embedding Shiny Apps Although Shiny apps are very popular for interactive data analysis purposes, many organizations communicated a need to more closely integrate these apps within larger applications and portals. In previous releases ...
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