Articles by Nina Zumel

The Statistics behind “Verification by Multiplicity”

March 1, 2014 | Nina Zumel

There’s a new post up at the blog that looks at the statistics of “verification by multiplicity” — the statistical technique that is behind NASA’s announcement of 715 new planets that have been validated in the data from the Kepler Space Telescope. We normally don’t write about ... [Read more...]

Error Handling in R

October 9, 2012 | Nina Zumel

It’s often the case that I want to write an R script that loops over multiple datasets, or different subsets of a large dataset, running the same procedure over them: generating plots, or fitting a model, perhaps. I set the script running and turn to another task, only to ... [Read more...]

My Favorite Graphs

December 5, 2011 | Nina Zumel

The important criterion for a graph is not simply how fast we can see a result; rather it is whether through the use of the graph we can see something that would have been harder to see otherwise or that could not have been seen at all. – William Cleveland, The ... [Read more...]
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