Articles by Mirai Solutions

R Shiny makes your data alive

February 12, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Let R Shiny do the storytelling job for you and add fantastic interactive interfaces for your R analysis. Why should you care about learning shiny? Follow me in this not so improbable scenario and you’ll see why. Let’s say you have an R function my... [Read more...]

R Shiny makes your data alive

February 12, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Let R Shiny do the storytelling job for you and add fantastic interactive interfaces for your R analysis. Why should you care about learning shiny? Follow me in this not so improbable scenario and you’ll see why. Let’s say you have an R function my... [Read more...]

Upcoming Workshops Series March 2021

January 29, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Finally new dates! Take a visit to our upcoming workshops offer on the very exciting R Shiny topic! After the success of our first workshop series end of last year, and the particular interest that has been shown on the shiny topic, we are excited ... [Read more...]

Upcoming Workshops Series March 2021

January 29, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Finally new dates! Take a visit to our upcoming workshops offer on the very exciting R Shiny topic! After the success of our first workshop series end of last year, and the particular interest that has been shown on the shiny topic, we are excited ...
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Upcoming Workshops Series March 2021

January 29, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Finally new dates! Take a visit to our upcoming workshops offer on the very exciting R Shiny topic! After the success of our first workshop series end of last year, and the particular interest that has been shown on the shiny topic, we are excited ... [Read more...]

Upcoming workshop: Introduction to Agile

November 24, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

Last but not least, the workshop ‘Not Agile yet? Experience being part of a scrum team’ will bring to close Mirai first series of workshop in Data Science! How can we talk about software development best practices and modern devops without talking a... [Read more...]

Upcoming workshop: Shiny App to Prod

November 16, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai is thrilled to announce that one of his cherished workshop Bring your Shiny App to Production will be given on December 1st! Since more than 10 years, we have been witnessing a crucial shift within the customer and user behavior. Consumers exp... [Read more...]

Upcoming workshop: Sparkling Shiny App

November 6, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai’s workshop series continues. Next in the pipeline is Sparkling Shiny App on 24th November. In recent years, shiny has become increasingly popular in the R community. No wonder! Shiny is a master at empowering users to easily visualize and comm... [Read more...]

Upcoming workshop: My 1st Shiny App

November 2, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

Learn how to empower your data through a Shiny interface at Mirai’s new workshop My 1ST Shiny App on 17th November. Storytelling is pivoting for successful data science. Communicating the results of your analytics and having an accessible way to dat...
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Upcoming workshop: From Excel to R

October 21, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

Discover how to use R to break free from Excel’s limitations at Mirai’s From Excel to R workshop. Excel’s lengthy formulas and complex macros, files that take forever to open and crash as frequently as you try to update them, major mistakes due to a... [Read more...]

Upcoming Workshops Series Nov/Dec 2020

October 7, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

Save the dates! Check out our upcoming workshops on some of our favorite topics: R, R-Shiny, DevOps and Agility! Who is able to manage data has a huge advantage for the next decade.Data Scientists’ skills help teams and organizations overcome the ch...
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Mirai’s Workshop at e-Rum2020

August 25, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

We are happy to share our virtual workshop experience at e-Rum 2020, including materials and recordings. Mirai Solutions and Vanlog, organizing partners of e-Rum2020, delivered two connected, albeit independent, workshops, telling a full story about... [Read more...]

Impressions from e-Rum2020

June 30, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

e-Rum2020 conference connects many hundreds of R enthusiasts in virtual space! With the Covid-19 pandemic turning plans upside down on a global scale, what should have happened at the end of May in Milano as eRum2020 had to be converted into a virtu...
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XLConnect 1.0.1

April 6, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

XLConnect 1.0.1 now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 1.0.1. This release is mainly a maintenance release and comes with the following changes: Upgrade to Apache POI 4.1 ... [Read more...]

COVID-19 Resource Gallery

March 27, 2020 | Mirai Solutions

We have gathered interesting COVID-19 resources and made them easily accessible within a single gallery website. The Data Science community is showing a great spirit of collaboration, extensively contributing to the understanding of the COVID-19 pan... [Read more...]

Impressions from useR! 2019

July 20, 2019 | Mirai Solutions

This year, the greater R community gathering useR! took place in sunny Toulouse in July, bringing together over 1000 practitioners from both academia and industry. The event spanned over five days, including: a tidyverse day one full day of workshops 6 keynotes and a few sponsor talks contributed talks and lightning talks ...
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