Articles by Mirai Solutions

Think like a programmeR: the workshop

October 12, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Make the transition from R User to R Developer with us on November 3rd! With the last Chapter of our “Introduction to R” learning path we conclude our journey towards building strong R programming foundations and skills. With the “Becoming an R deve... [Read more...]

Think like a programmeR: the workshop

October 12, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Make the transition from R User to R Developer with us on November 3rd! With the last Chapter of our “Introduction to R” learning path we conclude our journey towards building strong R programming foundations and skills. With the “Becoming an R deve... [Read more...]

Think like a programmeR: the workshop

October 12, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Make the transition from R User to R Developer with us on November 3rd! With the last Chapter of our “Introduction to R” learning path we conclude our journey towards building strong R programming foundations and skills. With the “Becoming an R deve...
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‘Build your first Shiny App’ with us

October 10, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Learn how to develop from scratch an interactive web interface in R shiny on November 10th. Shiny is the ever more popular approach to share R work, especially to business users without a technical background, but are required to make data-driven de... [Read more...]

‘Build your first Shiny App’ with us

October 10, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Learn how to develop from scratch an interactive web interface in R shiny on November 10th. Shiny is the ever more popular approach to share R work, especially to business users without a technical background, but are required to make data-driven de... [Read more...]

OASIS UI technical updates

October 1, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions stays engaged in the development and maintenance of the front-end of the OASIS LMF (Loss Modeling Framework) platform. The OASIS UI is under constant development, with new features coming out on a regular basis to enhance its usabili... [Read more...]

OASIS UI technical updates

October 1, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions stays engaged in the development and maintenance of the front-end of the OASIS LMF (Loss Modeling Framework) platform. The OASIS UI is under constant development, with new features coming out on a regular basis to enhance its usabili... [Read more...]

OASIS UI technical updates

October 1, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions stays engaged in the development and maintenance of the front-end of the OASIS LMF (Loss Modeling Framework) platform. The OASIS UI is under constant development, with new features coming out on a regular basis to enhance its usabili...
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Learning Path: Shiny

September 22, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Shiny” learning path: build your first shiny app, make it shine and robust, and bring it to production. R Shiny is empowered data science through interactive interface. By providing your code with a UI, it... [Read more...]
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