Articles by Mirai Solutions

Time for a new workshop series!

March 18, 2022 | Mirai Solutions

After the success of the past series, new workshops are planned for the upcoming months! In the past year Mirai’s efforts towards knowledge sharing with the community have increased and we have had three very successful runs of online workshop serie... [Read more...]

Time for a new workshop series!

March 18, 2022 | Mirai Solutions

After the success of the past series, new workshops are planned for the upcoming months! In the past year Mirai’s efforts towards knowledge sharing with the community have increased and we have had three very successful runs of online workshop serie... [Read more...]

Time for a new workshop series!

March 18, 2022 | Mirai Solutions

After the success of the past series, new workshops are planned for the upcoming months! In the past year Mirai’s efforts towards knowledge sharing with the community have increased and we have had three very successful runs of online workshop serie...
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The End of our Q4 2021 workshop series

December 20, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

After three workshops series done in Q4 2021 our teaching has reached its conclusion for this year. Starting at the end of October Mirai’s workshops have provided data scientists with the chance to learn different tools that can be of great use for ... [Read more...]

The End of our Q4 2021 workshop series

December 20, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

After three workshops series done in Q4 2021 our teaching has reached its conclusion for this year. Starting at the end of October Mirai’s workshops have provided data scientists with the chance to learn different tools that can be of great use for ... [Read more...]

The End of our Q4 2021 workshop series

December 20, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

After three workshops series done in Q4 2021 our teaching has reached its conclusion for this year. Starting at the end of October Mirai’s workshops have provided data scientists with the chance to learn different tools that can be of great use for ...
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