Articles by Mirai Solutions

eRum2020 in Milan

July 16, 2019 | Mirai Solutions

The European R conference will visit Milan in 2020! Mirai Solutions is delighted to actively support and participate in the organization of the event. The European R Users Meeting (eRum) is a biennial conference, taking place in Europe during those...
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rTRNG: Advanced Parallel RNG in R

June 10, 2019 | Mirai Solutions

Following on the recent CRAN release of rTRNG, it’s time to show its features and usage more in detail. rTRNG is a new package for advanced parallel Random Number Generation in R. It relies on TRNG (Tina’s Random Number Generator), a state-...
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rTRNG: Advanced Parallel RNG in R

June 10, 2019 | Mirai Solutions

Following on the recent CRAN release of rTRNG, it’s time to show its features and usage more in detail. rTRNG is a new package for advanced parallel Random Number Generation in R. It relies on TRNG (Tina’s Random Number Generator), a state-of-t...
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rTRNG on CRAN now!

May 4, 2019 | Mirai Solutions

After dwelling happily on our GitHub repositories for an extended period of time, rTRNG has now finally made it to CRAN. We are very happy to get this out just ahead of the R in Finance in Chicago, where the functionality had been show-cased with an applied example two years ...
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XLConnect 0.2-14

January 24, 2018 | Mirai Solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2-14, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. This release is mainly a maintenance release and comes with the following changes: Upgrade to Apache POI 3.17 Upgraded XLCo... [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-14

January 24, 2018 | Mirai Solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2-14, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. This release is mainly a maintenance release and comes with the following changes: Upgrade to Apache POI 3.17 Upgraded XLCo... [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-13

May 15, 2017 | Mirai Solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2‑13, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. This release comes with the following changes: Upgraded to Apache POI 3.16 Performance improvements to setCellStyle for lar... [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-13

May 15, 2017 | Mirai Solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2‑13, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. This release comes with the following changes: Upgraded to Apache POI 3.16 Performance improvements to setCellStyle for lar... [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-12

June 26, 2016 | Mirai Solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2‑12, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. This release is comprised of the following: Moved to Apache POI 3.15-beta1 Upgraded to Apache Commons Codec 1.10 Upgraded... [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-12

June 26, 2016 | Mirai Solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2‑12, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. This release is comprised of the following: Moved to Apache POI 3.15-beta1 Upgraded to Apache Commons Codec 1.10 Upgraded... [Read more...]

XLConnect on github

March 20, 2013 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions GmbH ( is pleased to announce the availability of XLConnect on github. Whether you want to browse the code or simply want access to the latest development version of XLConnect, visit us on github. XLConnect can be directly … Continue reading → [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-4

February 3, 2013 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions GmbH ( is very pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2-4, which is available from CRAN. This newest release comes along with a number of new features: Ability to read cached cell values. There is a new … Continue reading → [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.2-0

July 23, 2012 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions GmbH ( is very pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2-0, which can be found at CRAN. As one of the updates, XLConnect has moved to the newest release of Apache POI: 3.8. Also, the lazy evaluation … Continue reading → [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.1-8

February 16, 2012 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions GmbH ( is pleased to announce the availability of XLConnect 0.1-8 on CRAN. The most prominent new features/extensions are an improved package vignette which provides more information and examples to get people started with the package. A new … Continue reading → [Read more...]

XLConnect 0.1-7

October 24, 2011 | Mirai Solutions

Mirai Solutions GmbH ( is pleased to announce the availability of XLConnect 0.1-7. This release includes a number of improvements and new features: Performance improvements when writing large xlsx files New workbook data extraction & replacement operators [, [ [Read more...]

XLConnect – A platform-independent interface to Excel

August 31, 2011 | Mirai Solutions

XLConnect is a comprehensive and platform-independent R package for manipulating Microsoft Excel files from within R. XLConnect differs from other related R packages in that it is completely cross-platform and as such runs under Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac (32- and 64-bit). Moreover, it … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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