Articles by Michael Mayer

Interactions – where are you?

October 16, 2023 | Michael Mayer

This question sends shivers down the poor modelers spine… The {hstats} R package introduced in our last post measures their strength using Friedman’s H-statistics, a collection of statistics based on partial dependence functions. On Github, the preview version of {hstats} 1.0.0 out – I will try to bring it to CRAN ...
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It’s the interactions

August 1, 2023 | Michael Mayer

What makes a ML model a black-box? It is the interactions. Without any interactions, the ML model is additive and can be exactly described. Studying interaction effects of ML models is challenging. The main XAI approaches are: This post is mainly about the third approach. Its beauty is that we ...
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Avoid loops in R! Really?

February 19, 2022 | Michael Mayer

It must have been around the year 2000, when I wrote my first snipped of SPLUS/R code. One thing I've learned back then: Loops are slow. Replace them with vectorized calculations or if vectorization is not possible, use sapply() et al. Since then, the R core team and the community ...
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