Articles by Method Matters

Anscombe’s Quartet: 1980’s Edition

January 7, 2018 | Method Matters

In this post, I'll describe a fun visualization of Anscombe's quartet I whipped up recently.If you aren't familiar with Anscombe's quartet, here's a brief description from its Wikipedia entry: "Anscombe's quartet comprises four datasets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics, yet appear very different when graphed. Each dataset ...
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Anscombe’s Quartet: 1980’s Edition

January 7, 2018 | Method Matters

In this post, I’ll describe a fun visualization of Anscombe’s quartet I whipped up recently. If you aren’t familiar with Anscombe’s quartet, here’s a brief description from its Wikipedia entry: “Anscombe’s quartet comprises four datasets...
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Clustering Music Genres with R

December 7, 2017 | Method Matters

In a number of upcoming posts, I'll be analyzing an interesting dataset I found on Kaggle. The dataset contains information on 18,393 music reviews from the Pitchfork website. The data cover reviews posted between January 1999 and January 2016. I downloaded the data and did an extensive data munging exercise to turn the ...
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Clustering Music Genres with R

December 7, 2017 | Method Matters

In a number of upcoming posts, I’ll be analyzing an interesting dataset I found on Kaggle. The dataset contains information on 18,393 music reviews from the Pitchfork website. The data cover reviews posted between January 1999 and January 2016. I downloaded the data and did an extensive data munging exercise to turn ...
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Showing Some Respect for Data Munging

August 1, 2017 | Method Matters

In this post, I'd like to focus on data munging, e.g. the process of acquiring and arranging data (typically in a tidy manner) prior to data analysis. It's common knowledge that data scientists spend an enormous amount of time munging data, but data analysis, modeling, and visualization get most ...
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Analyzing Accupedo step count data in R

January 4, 2017 | Method Matters

Accupedo is a great (and free!) step counting app that I’ve been using for a while now to keep track of how much I walk every day. The app measures the number of steps you make, and has some nice visualizations that allow you to see how many steps ...
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